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飞机机载电台无线电通信原理 【摘要】本论文主要阐述飞机无线电通信的原理、组成以及应用。首先是介绍了飞 机通信的概况,然后进一步说明无线电通信的原理以及实现方法,其实现主要 利用调幅、调频和单边带调制等高频电子技术,此外论文还涉及了无线电抗干 扰噪音抑制、载波抑制即编码抑制等内容,最后对无线电通信技术的发展前景 如跳频、扩展频谱通信及数字通信作了描述。 关键词: 飞机 通信 调制/解调 Abstract: The caption mainly expounds the principles of aircraft radio communication, composition and application.The first part is summary of aircraft communications, and then a better depiction of the principles and the realization method, its implementation using mainly AM, FM and single sideband modulation high-frequency electronic technology, in addition to paper also deals with the radio interference noise suppression, carrier-suppressed, that the code suppression etc. At last, the prospects for the development of radio communications technology, such as frequency hopping, spread spectrum communications and digital communications, briefly describe. Key words: Aircraft Communication modulation/demodulation目 录 1 飞机通信.3 2.无线电通信原理.3 2.1无线电波的分类 .3 2.2无线电波传播方式 .4 2.2.1地波(地表面波)传播.4 2.2.2直射波传播.4 2.2.3天波传播.4 2.2.4 散射传播.4 2.3无线电波的特点 .5 2.3.1短波.5短波传播途径.5短波频率范围.5 2.3.2超短波.6 3 无线电通信的实现方法.6 3.1调制 .6 3.1.1调幅.6 3.1.2调频.7 3.2解调 .8 3.2.1检波.6 3.2.2鉴频.6 3.3单边带 .10 3.2.1单边带概念.10 3.2.2单边带定义.10 4 无线电通信的干扰.11 4.1噪音抑制 .11 4.2载波抑制和编码抑制 .11 5 无线电通信的发展.12 5.1扩展频谱通信 .12 5.1.1直接扩展频谱通信.12 5.1.2跳频通信.
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