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协 议 书 甲方: XX职业学院 乙方: 厦门市XX科技有限公司 就甲方食品与药品检测中心采购进口激光拉曼光谱仪一事,甲乙双方本着互惠互利真 诚合作的原则,经友好协商达成如下协议: 一、乙方同意以优惠价格USD92,000.00(CIP厦门机场)提供激光拉曼光谱仪壹套仪 器设备给甲方,详细仪器配置单附后。 二、在合同签订后,由甲方委托外贸代理公司在15日内开出100%即期信用证(90%见 单支付,10%凭安装验收报告支付) ,乙方在收到L/C后90天内发货。仪器到达甲方后一周 内甲方应向乙方提出安装要求,由乙方工程师前往甲方共同开箱清点、并进行仪器的安装调 试和验收工作。仪器出现质量问题,由乙方承担责任。 三、由仪器工厂认证工程师负责对用户操作人员进行现场操作示范培训,包括提供设 备使用常规知识、技术特点、安装、使用、维修和一般的故障判断等知识的培训,使用户操 作人员掌握仪器的日常操作和维护。 四、整个仪器系统自验收合格之日起免费保修壹年,终身维护。 五、若仪器在使用过程中发生故障,在接到甲方通知后,及时响应;若确认仪器故障, 乙方工程师72小时内到达用户实验室处理;在保修期内若因乙方原因造成甲方仪器维修延 误,乙方将对仪器保修期予以适当延长。 六、长期优惠提供仪器设备所需消耗品,并确保在该型号仪器停产后七年内供应零配 件。维修工程师不定期(壹年至少两次)回访用户。 七、乙方将及时提供仪器软件的免费升级。 八、此协议一式四份,甲方三份,乙方一份,共同遵照执行。 甲方: XX职业学院 乙方: 厦门市XX科技有限公司 代表签字: 代表签字: 年 月 日 年 月 日配置清单1、美国赛默飞世尔 DXR智能激光拉曼光谱仪 # 型号 名称、规格、技术参数 数量 单价 金额 1 912A0598 DXR SmartRaman Spectrometer Mainframe DXR 智能光谱仪主机 1FDA/CDRH Class I laser safe system /I 级激光安全标准 Laser Power Control System to regulate power at sample / 激光功 率控制器调节到样品的绝对功率 Automated laser power attenuation/ 自动激光功率衰减 Automated alignment tool includes calibration standards/自动准直:Automated calibration (wavelength, Raman intensity and laser)/自 动校标(波长,拉曼信号与激光)Automated alignment (excitation laser and Raman scatter beam paths aligned to the same sampling position)/专利自动准直(激光 光路与拉曼信号光路到同一针孔)Smart components communicate with OMNIC software to report identity and serial numbers/ 自动识别和报告的智能模块标准配 置 OMNIC 软件系统The system includes the OMNIC 8 Standard Software Suite with the following enhanced productivity features: /系统标配 OMNIC 8 软 件系统,特点如下:Autoexposure selects optimal exposure for a specified S/N without CCD saturation/自动曝光采集系统Smart Background avoids waiting for background collection at time of use and enables Autoexposure feature/自动背景采集系统Autofocus to maximize Raman signal/自动聚焦 Automatic Intensity correction to compensate for detector wavelength dependence/拉曼信号强度自动校正Automatic Fluorescence correction for use with all excitation frequencies/ 自动荧光背景扣除Laser Power Control for reproducible laser power at sample, independent of laser power output/自动激光功率调节Smart capabilities to recognize and record serial numbers for lasers, gratings, filters, fiber launcher and Smart sampling accessories and toolheads/ 智能识别激光,光栅,滤光片,光纤探头与智能样 品附件以及序列号Smart capabilities to track laser lifetime/智能记录激光使用时间 OMNIC MacrosBasic to compile your routine tasks into simple push button operations/宏操作指令编辑Quantitative analysis method development (TQ Analyst - EZ Edition) and analysis including:/智能定量分析软件Beer-Lambert calibration and prediction (peak height or area integration)/ 比尔-朗伯校准定量方法Classical Least Squares calibration and prediction /经典最小二乘回 归(CLR)Discriminant analysis prediction/判别分析技术 Partial Least Squares (PLS) prediction/偏最小二乘回归(PLS) Principal Component Analysis (PCR) prediction/主成分回归 (PCR)2 699-106200 English Language Kit/英文标示与手册 1 3 085-889900 Power Cord, China 250v, 3 Cond 10A/220 电源接线制式 1 4 840-187200 DXR High brightness 780 nm NIR Excitation Laser Set / 780nm 高 功率激光激发系统组件 1DXR High Power 300 Mw 780 nm NIR Laser Module,Multiple transverse mode, high-power diode laser 150 mW at sample 输出功 率 300mW,到样品功率 150mWIncludes laser line filter, modular service mount, and power supply/ 包括激光线滤光片,模块化装置与电源Standard resolution grating for 780 nm laser / 标准光栅 50cm -1to 3300cm -150cm-1 Rayleigh Rejection Filter for 780 nm (Stokes shift) 50cm- 1瑞利滤光片5 840-187500 High resolution grating for 780 nm laser / 高分辨光栅(780nm 激 发) 13 cm-1 nominal resolution (FWHM) 优于 3 cm-1 分辨率 (FWHM)Nominal spectral range 50 - 1800 cm -1 ,高分辨光栅光谱范围 50- 1800cm -16 840-188400 DXR Universal Platform Sampling Accessory/通用采样平台附件 1Base platform sampling accessory for specialized toolheads/适用于 不同样品架Includes Universal Plate Toolhead /包含平板式通用样品架 Variable Dynamic Point Sampling delivers representative signal from heterogeneous sample without loss of Raman intensity. Software-controlled sampling area up to 5 x 5 mm./ 可调动态点检 测技术,获取非均相样品综合拉曼信息Pre-aligned and fully autofocusing/预准直与自动聚焦 Smart accessory is recognized by OMNIC software/智能识别 OMNIC records accessory identity and serial number with data/软 件识别序列号Pin in place/对针定位 7 840-188600 Tablet Holder Toolhead for DXR Universal Platform Sampling Accessory 药片箍夹式样品架 1 8 840-188700 Bottle Holder Toolhead for DXR Universal Platform Sampling Accessory 标准玻璃瓶式样品架 1 9 * OMNIC Specta Material Characterization Standard Raman OMNIC Specta 混合物多组分分离识别分析软件(拉曼) 1Advanced data management capability treats your entire hard drive as a database 智能化数据管理能力,硬盘作为数据库,无需自 建光谱数据库Exclusive Multi-Component and Contaminant Search 独有多组分 检索能力Support for FT-IR and Raman spectral data 支持 FT-IR 与拉曼光 谱数据3,264 Organic and Inorganic Raman spectra.which include 包含 3264张无机与有机拉曼标准谱图库10 国内供应 价值人民币 6500元的计算机和打印机设备 总价: 92,000.00
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