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物质安全资料表(MSDS) Material Safety Data Sheet 一、物品与厂商资料 Identification of The Substance/Preparation And Company 物品名称 Product Information: 热熔胶粉 物品编号Product Number:热熔胶粉 制造商或供应商名称、地址及电话 Information On Producer/Supplier Number Address Phone:深圳市恒福转印材料厂/地址:深圳市宝安区松岗东方一路37号/电话:0755- 29898807 紧急联络电话/传真电话 Emergency phone/TEL:0755-29898807 / FAX:0755-27095252 二、成分辩识资料Composition/Information On Ingredients: 纯物质 Single 中英文名称 English Name:热熔胶粉-Hot melt adhensive powder 同义名称 Synonyms:- 化学文摘社登记号码Chemical Abstracts Number(CAS No.):- 79-10-7、67-64-1、1333- 86-4 危害物质成分(成分百分比) Percentage for Chemical Ingredient(%):-混合物 Mixing:YES 化学性质 Chemical Characteristies: 危害物质成分之中英文名称 浓度或浓度范围(成分百分比 危害物质分类及图示 Hazardous Components Name Concentraion/Percentage Hazard Symbols 聚酯树脂Polyurethane Resin 90-95 辅助树脂Accessorial Resin 5-10 三、危害辩识资料Hazardous Identification: 健康危害效应:粉尘吸入 Dust Inhalation 环境影响:空气污染和水污染Hazard warnings for environment:Air pollution and water pollution. 物理性及化学性危害Physical and Chemical Dangerous 特殊危害 Special Harm: 最重要危 害效应 Major Hazard Effect 主要症状:头痛、晕眩、困倦、呕吐 Major State:Headache,dizziness,vomit and drowsiness. 物品危害分类Hazdachc,category四、急救措施 不同暴露途径之急径方法Emergency and First Aid Proeedures 吸入Lnhalation:将患者移至空气清新处。Take patient into the fresh air. 皮肤接触Skin Contact:用大量肥皂水清洗。Wash thoroughly with plenty of soapy water. 眼睛接触Eye Contact:用大量水冲洗再送医治疗。Rinse with plenty of water ,then gen medical assistance immediately. 食入Ingestion:避免催吐并送医治疗。Avoid vomitting and seed medical advice. 最重要症状及危害效应:头痛、晕眩、呕吐、困倦。Major Disease and Harn Effect:headache,dizziness,vomit and drowsiness. 对急救人员之防护:戴口罩、手套、面具、防护衣。First-Aid Protection :Wear respirator,rubber gloves,goggles and protective clothing. 对医师之提示:溶剂种类。- Prompt to Doctor kind of solvent. 五、灭火措施 Fire Fighting Measure: 适用灭火剂:粉末灭火器、泡沫灭火器 Suitable Extinguishing Media :foam and powder extinguisher. 灭火时可能遭遇之特殊危害:产生一氧化碳、氧化氮。Special Exposure Hazards:Formation of carbon monoxide ,nitrogenoxides,of hydrogen cyanate may oeeur. 特殊灭火程序:戴防护口罩。Special Extinguishing Procedure. 消防人员之特殊防护设备:Special Proteetion Equipment:Wear respiratory proteetion equipment. 六、泄漏处理方法 Accidcntal Release Measures. 个人应注意事项:戴口罩、橡胶手套、护目镜及防护衣。 Personal Protcction:Wear respirator ,rubber gloves,goggles and proteetive clothing. 环境注意事项:避免流入下水道以免阻塞。Environmental Proteetion:Prevent entry into the siwage system,risk of blockage due to polymer deposits. 清理方法:以吸湿物质覆盖,再以圆锹装入容器。Methods for Clealing Up:Cover residues with humid absorbent material then fill into container by shovel. 七、安全处置与储存方法Handling and storage. 处置:工作区域保持通风良好。 Handling :Ensure eflicient ventilation in the working area. 储存:容器保持密封,并储存于5-40摄氏度。 Storage :Keep container tightly closed and store between 5 and 40.八、暴露预防措施 Exposure Control /Personal Proteetion 工程控制Engineering control 控制参数Control factor: 八小时日时量平均容许浓度/短时间时量平均容许浓度/最高容许浓度: 物质Substances TWA STEL CEILING 环已酮Cyclohexanone 3ooppm 生物指标Biotic index 环已酮Cyclohexanone 个人防护设备Personal protection equipment 呼吸防护:戴防护口罩 Resperatory protection:Wear air-supplid respirator 手部防护:戴手套 Hand protection:Wear gloves 眼睛防护:戴面具防护 Eye protection:Wear gosses. 皮肤及身体防护:穿防护衣 Skin & body protection:Wear protective clothing 卫生措施:遵循一般防护措施,衣物被污染须立即更换,工作后洗手。 Hygicnc procedures:Observc the common precautioary measurs,contaminated clothes must be changed immediately.Wash hands after work is completed. 物质安全资料表 九、物理及化学性质 Physical and Chemical Properties /Characteristics 物质状态:固体 Solid 形状:Form:powder 颜色:white 气味:刺激气味 Odour:Like Aromatic odour PH值:PH value 沸点/沸点范围: BoilingPoint/BoilingRange 分解温度 Decomposition tenperature 闪火点: -F -4 Flash point 测试方法: 开杯 闭杯 Test method:Open up ane Closed cup 自然温度Spontaneous temperature 爆炸界限Explosion limits: 蒸气压Vapor pressure: 蒸气密度Vapor density: 密度:0.9-1.0 Specific gravity 溶解度:不溶 Solubility in water:Insoiublc 十、全性及反应性 Stability and Rcactivity 安定性:安定 Stability :stable 特殊状况下可能之危害反应:高温分解 Special conditions of hazardous reaction:Decmposed at high temperature 应避免之状况:远离火源 Conditions to avoid :Keep away from flame 应避免之物质:强碱及强酸 Incompatibility:Strong alkalis and strong acids. 危害分解物:热分解时会产生可燃有毒气体。Hazardous decomposition products:Formation of combustible and noxiors fumes during thermal decomposition.十一、毒性资料Toxieologieal information 急毒性: 呼吸困难 Aeule toxieity:Breathe hardly 局部效应:Local Effeets 致敏感性:Sensitive 慢毒性或长期毒性:神经系统障碍,迟缓。Chronic:Nervors breakdown. 特殊效应:无 Exeeptional effeet: 十二、生态资料 Ecological information 可能之环境影响/环境流布:污染水源,勿排入河内,沟渠或地表。 Possibility of environmental impact/move:Hazardous to water .Must mot enter the waters,drains or ground. 物质安全资料表 十三、废弃处置方法 Disposal information 废弃处置方法:依地方法规焚化处理。 Disposal information :Should be disposed of at appropriate incineration unit observing offocial local regulations. 十四、运送资料 Transport infotmation 国际运送规定Intermational transport regulation: 联合国编号:1133 The United Number :1133 国内运送规定Internal transport regulation 特殊运送方法及注意事项:远离食品,酸及盐,并放置于5-40摄氏度。 Special transport way and note:Keep away from foodstuffs,acids and alkalis.Put betwee
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