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高考英语短语总结及练习:必修1Unit1 重点短语 1add up 合计 2calm (.) down( 使) 平静下来;(使)镇定下来 3be concerned about 关心;挂念 4go through 经历;经受 5set down 放下;记下;登记 6a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 7on purpose 故意 8in order to 为了 9at dusk 在黄昏时刻 10face to face 面对面地 11no longer/not.any longer 不再 12suffer from 遭受;患病 13get/be tired of 对厌烦 14pack (sth.) up 将(东西) 装箱打包 15get along with 与相处;进展 16fall in love 相爱;爱上 17join in 参加;加入 训练题 一、完形填空 (2016 高考模拟选编)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2140 各题所给的四个选项 中(A、B 、C 和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。 Once there was a king who received a gift of two magnificent falcons ( 猎鹰)They were the most beautiful birds he had _1_ seen.He gave the _2_ birds to his head falconer to be _3_. Months passed ,and one day the head falconer informed the king that _4_ one of the falcons was flying high in the sky,the other bird had not moved from its _5_ since the day it had arrived. The king _6_ healers from all the land to _7_ the falcon,but no one could make the bird fly.He _8_ the task to the members of his court ,but the next day ,the king saw _9_ the palace window that the bird had still not moved from its branch.Having tried everything else ,the king thought to himself , “Maybe I need someone more _10_ the countryside to understand the _11_ of this problem.” So he cried out to his court, “Go and get a _12_ ” In the morning,the king was _13_ to see the falcon flying high above the palace garden.He said to his court , “_14_ me the doer of this miracle.” The court quickly _15_ the farmer,who came and stood before the king.The king asked him , “How did you make the falcon fly?” With his head _16_,the farmer said to the king , “It was very easy.I _17_ cut the branch where the bird was sitting.” We are all made to flyto realize our _18_ potential as human beings.But at times we sit on our branches ,_19_ to the things that are familiar to us.To experience the _20_ of flight,let us learn to destroy the branch of fear we stick to and free ourselves! 【语篇解读】 本文通过猎鹰的故事告诉我们:如果我们想要实现壮志,就必须离开安逸 的环境去拼搏。 1A.ever B yet Cnever Dthen 答案 A 从句子结构来看,这里应用 ever 来加强语气,ever“曾经”:它们是他所 见过的最漂亮的鸟。 2A.expensive Bdifferent Cprevious Dprecious 答案 D 根据上文中的“magnificent”和“the most beautiful”可知,应选 D“珍贵的” 。 A“昂贵的” ,B“不同的” ,C“先前的” ,都不符合语境。 3A.tested B treated Ctrained Draised 答案 C 下文提到了这两只猎鹰的飞翔情况,由此可推断,国王安排猎鹰训练师去 训练这两只猎鹰,故选 C“培训,训练” 。 4A.as Bthough Cif Dsince 答案 B 根据句意的连贯性可知,这里应用 though 来引导让步状语从句:尽管其中的一只猎鹰能够在天空中翱翔,但另外一只却不动。 5A.tree Bcamp Ccage Dbranch 答案 D 根据下一段中的“moved from its branch” 可知,这里表示的是这只猎鹰没有 离开它的树枝。故选 D。 6A.found Bcalled Cdrove Dwelcomed 答案 B 这只猎鹰不愿意飞,于是国王召集全国各地的治疗师来照料猎鹰,故用 call“召集,召唤” 。 7A.hold back Bput back Ccontribute to Dtend to 答案 D 根据语境可知,这里应用 tend to“照料,照顾” 。A“阻挡,抑制” ,B“放 回” ,C“导致” ,均不符合语境。 8A.presented Breduced Cremoved Dbrought 答案 A 这里表示国王把这个任务交给宫里的其他人员,present 表示“把交给” 。 故选 A。 9A.across Bthrough Cbeyond Dbehind 答案 B 这里用介词 through 表示“透过”:国王透过皇宫的窗户看到那只猎鹰仍然 没有离开树枝。 10A.opposed to Bfit for Cfriendly with Dfamiliar with 答案 D 这里表示国王想找一个对农村很熟悉的人来调教这只猎鹰。(be)familiar with“通晓,熟悉” 。 11A.nature BknowledgeCsight Dpattern 答案 A nature“本质,基本性质” ,符合语境:国王想找一个熟悉农村生活的人来 弄明白这个问题的本质所在。 12A.citizen Bteacher Cfarmer Dhealer 答案 C 上文提到国王想找一个熟悉农村生活的人,并且下文提到了“the farmer”, 故选 C 。 13A.embarrassed Bpuzzled Cdoubtful Doverjoyed 答案 D 国王一直希望看到这只猎鹰在天空中翱翔,因此当他看到这只猎鹰飞起来 的时候十分高兴,故用 overjoyed 表示“极为高兴的,十分开心的” 。 14A.Take BBring CReport DAppoint 答案 B 此时国王要见创造这个奇迹的人,故用 bring“带来” 。 15A.remembered Bset Clocated Drecognized 答案 C 国王要见这个奇迹的创造者,于是大臣就去把那个农民找来了。locate“找 出的准确位置” ,符合语境。 16A.stretched Bstuck Cbowed Dturned 答案 C 这个农民见到国王,与国王说话的时候应该是低着头的,因此用 bow“鞠 躬,低头” 。 17A.simply Bnarrowly Cnecessarily Dnearly 答案 A 这里与前面的“It was very easy”呼应,故用 simply“只是,仅仅”:我只不 过是把鸟栖息的那根树枝给砍掉了。 18A.unavoidable BvirtualCimaginary Dunbelievable 答案 D 结合这个故事来看,这里表示我们身上具有我们自己都不相信的潜力,因 此 unbelievable“难以置信的” ,符合语境。unavoidable“ 无法避免的” ,virtual“实质 上的,事实上的” ,imaginary“虚构的” ,均不符合语境。 19A.getting down Bhanging on Clooking up Dmaking up 答案 B 这里用动词短语 hang on to sth 表示“抓紧某物”:我们有时候只习惯抓紧 我们熟悉的东西。 20A.glory Bboom Cvision Dresult 答案 A 这里表示要想让自己感受到翱翔天空的荣耀,故用 glory“光荣,荣耀” 。 二、阅读理解 (一) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 、D)中,选出最佳选项。 Two recent studies have found that punishment is not the best way to influence behavior. One showed that adults are much more cooperative if they work in a system based on rewards. Researchers at Harvard University in the United States and the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden did the study. They had about two hundred college students play a version of the game known as the Prisoners Dilemma. The game is based on the tension ( 紧张气氛) between the interests (利益) of an individual and a group. The students played in groups of four. Each player could win points for the group, so they would all gain equally. Bu
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