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英语句子 1、calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 During that ten seconds of counting , a person might calm down enough to be more careful about what they do next . 在数这十秒的过程中,一个人可能会足够的冷静下来小心的考虑下一步应该怎么做。 2、burst into 突然起来 bury 埋葬,埋藏 bury (oneself) in 埋头于,专心于 . 3、Women be wiser than men because they know less and understand more . 女人比男人更聪明,因为她们知道的少而理解的多。 4、I think you naked.我想你裸体。 5、你什么时候有空?我想和你去逛街。 When do you have time ? I want to go shopping with you . 6、这个周末想跟我去逛街吗?。 Would you like to go shopping with me this weekend ? . 7、好主意。我想今晚去逛街。 Great idea . I d love to go shopping tonight . 8、我是 XYZ 公司的弗朗西斯。下周我想和你谈一下新项目的事情。你有时间吗?。 This is Francis from XYZ Company . I would like to discuss with you about a new project sometime next week . Do you have time to meet? 9、I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。 10、我想找工作 I want to find work 11、目前还没事情。我想找份工作。 Nothing much just right now . Im waiting for a job . 12、如果我想找工作,我要告诉我所有的亲戚朋友。 If I needed a job , I d tell all of my friends and relatives . 13、我想找工作是一个必经的阶段,那么搜集了一些资料和意见供参考。 I wanted to find work is a necessary stage , and then collected some information and advice for reference 14、我们是男女朋友 We are male and female friend 15、外面的人以为我们是男女朋友,只有我们自己是。 No one will see us . Stay as you are. I want look at you . 16、我能穿越时空。其实,等你长大了以后,我们是对男女朋友。 I travel through time , in fact , you and I are friends in the future when youre a lady. 17、“Enter to grow in knowledge ,depart to better serve the country and the kind.” (“来到哈佛,是为了在知识的海洋中成长。离开哈佛,是为了更好的为国家和人类服务。 ”) 18.Great things are not done by impulse(冲动), but by a series of small things brought together(被放在一起). 伟大的成就并非源自一时冲动,而是由一系列小事汇聚而成的。19.What we know or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do. 我们知道的或相信的,本质上并不重要。唯一重要的是:我们做的。 20. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 重复的行为造就了我们;因此,卓越不是一种举动,而是一种习惯。 21.Every drop you drink makes your life tastier! 点点滴滴,生活更美!美汁源 22. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. 没人能回头重新来过;但谁都可以从现在起书写一个不同的结局。 23. Dont set your goals according to what are deemed important by others. Only you know what is best for yourself. 别人认为重要的,并不就是你的追求。只有自己才知道什么最合适。 24.Smile and silence are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems. 微笑和沉默是两把利器:微笑解决很多问题,沉默避免许多问题。 Exercise Twenty-Six1. Man,no less than the lower forms of life,_(是演化过程的产物).2. _(不止一个人觉察到)her agitation.3. _(液体密度越大) ,the easier it is to float on it.4. _(只有工人的要求得到满足)will they return to work.5. Had _(要不是有水库)wed never have been able to beat the drought. 答案与解析1. is a product of the evolutionary process解析:单数名词with,together with,along with,as well as,accompanied by,no less than,rather than,in addition to,instead of,including,besides 等名词结构作主语 时,谓语动词用单数。Man 在这里是个单数概念,指全人类,因此句子谓语部分要用单数 is。再如:A technician,along with some young workers,is working on the design.(技术员 正在和一些青年工人一道搞设计。 )本题全句意为:人类,同生命的低级形式一样,是演化 过程的产物。2. More than one person has noticed解析:many a 或 more than one 所修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词必须用单数。所以 句子需填入部分谓语译成 has,又由于“觉察到“暗示了动作已经发生,因此用完成时态。但 是,考生要注意的是:如果 more than one 后面又出现了 thousand,hundred 等,动词就要 用复数,如:More than one thousand graduates have responded to the Partys call and gone to work in the border regions.(一千多名毕业生响应党的号召,到边疆工作去了。 )3. The denser a liquid is 考试大论坛解析:本题考查的是“theadj.比较级,theadj.比较级“的结构,表示“越.越. .“。The denser 在句中充当表语。当表语前置,主语和系动词用正常语序即可。当前置的 表语为形容词词组、介词短语等,主语和系动词就要倒装。如:To north of the town was little village,where I spent my childhood in happiness.(在这个小城镇的北边有一个小村庄, 我在那儿幸福地度过了我的童年。 )4. Only when the workers demands are satisfied解析:本题考查 only 修饰的状语放在句首,主谓要倒装。Will they return to work 已经 给出暗示。此外,only副词,only介词短语置于句首,主谓也要倒装。如:Only with the aid of telescope can he observe the celestial bodies.(只有借助望远镜,他才能观测到天 体。 )值得注意的是:如果句首 only 修饰的是主语,则不需要倒装。如:Only Tom has been to the small island once before.(只有汤姆以前去过那个小岛一次。 )5. it not been for the reservoir 解析:由于句首已经给出 Had,那么这里就是考查虚拟语 气省略 if 引起的主谓倒装。由主句时态可知,从句情况与过去事实相反,因此用过去完成 时态。另外,如果句首倒装的条件句含有否定词 not,且 had 提前,一般不可使用省略式 nt,而应将 not 置于条件句之后。本题意为:若不是有水库,我们绝不能战胜干旱。 1. _(青少年犯罪的主要原因是由于)that social environment is becoming worse.2. The workmen think _(遵守安全规则很重要).3. The new government was accused _(未实现其降低失业率的承诺).4. Only with combined efforts,_(我们才能期望台湾不久有新的 面貌).5. Several thousands of quake-smitten inhabitants _(得到了 政府充分的救济). 参考答案: 1. The main reason why juveniles commit crimes is 解析:要正确翻译此句需要了解两点。第一,运用“.的原因是由于“的英语句型The reason why.is that.。在汉语句型里往往可以重复使用“因为“这个词,而英语只能用 一次。第二,“青少年犯罪“叫做juveniles commit crimes,不能用young children,如: juvenile books(青少年读物);juvenile fashions(青少年的时装)。2. it crucial to abide by the safety regulations解析:本题考查了think it important/necessary/crucial/enjoyable.to do sth. 的表达。“安全规则“可以译成safety regulations/rules,“遵守“可以用以下词汇
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