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1 一、小学精通英语五年级上册教学内容简析 (一)本册书主要涉及的话题、词汇和功能 纵观本册书,其内容主要涉及三个大模块的话题和相关语言功能及词汇: 话题 1 : Talk about sbs information . (Unit 1-Unit 4) 话题词汇: 家庭成员: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, parents, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, son, daughter. 数字:one,two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. 国家: Britain,Australia,New Zealand,France,Germany,Japan, Russia,China, America, England, Singapore ,Canada. 外貌、性格: eye, nose, mouth, hair, face, ear.cute, active, quiet, pretty, smart, clever, lovely, beautiful, handsome. round, big ,small, young, old, long ,short ,tall, fat ,thin, black, brown, yellow, white 职业: a) 单数:a writer/singer/dancer/policeman/policewoman/reporter/ worker/teacher/taxi river/doctor/nurse/postman/farmer;an actor/actress. b) 复数:writers, singers, dancers, policemen, policewomen,2reporters, workers, teachers, taxi drivers, doctors,nurses, postmen, farmers, actors, actresses. 工作地点:bank ,hotel ,shopping mall,restaurant, company,library,school,hospital,shop ,CCTV,cinema. 动词 ing: sing-singing, , read-reading, dance-dancing, come-coming,ride-riding, skate-skating, run-running, sit-sitting, 功能: 1) 介绍: This is my Hes my uncle. Shes my aunt. 2) 询问及应答: a. 询问人物关系,姓名: Whos that man / woman/he/she? Hes/Shes my . Whats your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is. / Im/Hes/Shes. b. 询问年龄: How old are you/is he/is she? Im/Hes/Shes.扩充: Whats your/his/her age? Im/Hes/Shes. c. 询问班级: What grade are you/is he/is she in?Im/Hes/Shes in Class., Grade. d. 询问电话: Whats your/his/her phone number? Its. e. 询问学号: Whats your/his/her number? Its. f. 询问国籍: Where are you from? Im from. Where do you come from? I come from.Where does he/she come from? He/She comes from.3 g. 外貌、性格特征: Whats he/she like? He/She has big eyes, a big nose. 扩充: What does he/she look like? He/She has big eyes, a big nose. Hes/Shes cute/active/quiet . h. 职业: What do you do? Im a/an. What does he/she do? Hes/Shes a writer/an actor.Whats his/her job? Hes/Shes a worker/an actress.What do your parents/they do? They are teachers.扩充:What are you? Im a teacher.Whats he/she? Hes/Shes a policeman. i. 工作地点: Where do you work/study? I work/study in a cinema/at Sunny School.Where does your father/mother/he/she work/study? He/She works/studies in Beijing Hospital/at CCTV/. j. 住址: Where do you live? I live in the Happy City/on Shanghai Road/at 56 Wuhan Road. k.兴趣爱好: I like both singing and dancing.Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. l. 未来职业畅想: What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a/an. Ill be a/an. 话题 2 Talk about sth. (Unit 5Unit 6)4 1、话题词汇: a) 可数名词: 文具,水果, 玩具,日常用品。 文具:a schoolbag/dictionary/ruler/crayon.an activity book 复数:schoolbags, dictionaries, rulers, crayons, activity books. 水果: a pear/coconut/grapefruit/hami melon/cherry/strawberry/star fruit/longan/lychee/watermelon/peach/mango/banana/grape.an apple/orange.复数:pears,coconuts, grapefruits, hami melons,longans, star fruits,lychees,watermelons,bananas, grapes, apples, oranges, strawberries, cherries, peaches, mangoes. 玩具: a hen/cow/horse/goose.an elephant复数: hens, cows, horses, geese, elephants.特:fish-fish( 单复同形) fish-fish鱼 鱼肉sheep-sheep (单复同行) 日常用品:a fan/sun cap /camera/watch.an umbrella.复数:fans, sun caps, cameras, watches, umbrellas. b) 不可数5 食物:food, fruit, bread ,pork, beef, rice ,chicken. 饮料: drink, milk, juice, water. 2. 功能 1)询问和应答: a. 物品所属 Is this/that your schoolbag/activity book. ?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Whose umbrella is this / that? Its Peters umbrella/fan. b. 辨认识别Whats this /that / in English /Chinese? Its a coconut / an orange/ juice Is this / that a cherry/ an apple? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.What are these/ those? Theyre grapes/ sheep/ kiwi fruit.Is that your fish/hen/goose/cow/horse/elephant.? Yes, it is.Is that your elephant? No, it isnt.c.请求: Can I have .? Yes. Ill buy. Topic 3 关注中西文化差异,在复习中复现文化链接,熟练运用自然拼 读。 (二)语法点 纵观本册书,其内容主要涉及以下语法点:6 1. 词法 1) 名词及名词的单复数 专有名词: 国名:Britain ,Australia ,New Zealand ,France ,Germany,Japan , Russia, China ,America ,England ,Singapore ,Canada 地名: Shanghai Street, Beijing Road, Happy City, Tianjin, Wuhan, Beijing Cinema, the Bank of China, Sunny School,CCTV, Beijing Hospital, City Library 人名:Bob, Zhou Pei, Pat, Miss Liu, Perry, Ben, Bill, Betty, Carl, Kate, Cathy, Peter, Carla, Dick, Tim, Carol, Anne, Ken, Wei Min, Gao Wei, Mr White, Mrs Wu, Yang Ming, Lisa, Amy, Mike, Ann, Jim 名词变复数共有 6 种变化形式: 直接+s, 如:book-books 末尾字母是 s,x,ch,sh 的名词,+es,如:glass-glasses, box-boxes, watch- watches, brush-brushes 以字母 y 结尾的名词, y 前是元音字母的,直接+s,如:boy-boysy 前是辅音字母的,去 y 变 i+es,如:city-cities 以字母 o 结尾的名词, 无生命的+s, 如:photo-photos有生命的+es, 如:tomato-tomatoes 以 f、fe 结尾的名词
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