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两则英文求职应聘信范文欣赏英文求职应聘信范文欣赏英文求职信范文(一)r 212 building 343 tsinghua universit,beiing 100084s ang:i as referred t u b r zhang, a partner ith ur beiing ffie, h infred e that the shanghai ffie f ur pan is ativel seeing t hire qualit individuals fr ur auditr prgrai have re than t ears f aunting experiene, inluding interning as an auditr last ear ith the beiing ffie f i ill be reeiving ba this a fr tsinghua universit i a nfident that binatin f pratial r experiene and slid eduatinal experiene has prepared e fr aing an iediate ntributin t ur pan i understand the level f prfessinalis and uniatin required fr lng-ter suess in the field bagrund and prfessinal apprah t business ill prvide ur ffie ith a highl prdutive auditr upn pletin f ur develpent prgrai ill be in the shanghai area the ee f april 16 please all e at 136001216901 t arrange a nvenient tie hen e a eet t further disuss bagrund in relatin t ur needs i l frard t eeting u thensinerel,heng dan 英文求职信范文(二)april 13,XXp bx 36biit universitbeiing,hina 100000dear sir/ada:n and then rpratins send ut feelers fr ust the right tpe f reative persn this persn ust fit ver speifi riteria usuall, after all is said and dne, the rpratin ants a business persn h an anage, reate and uniate a seasned prfessinal hs been arund fr a hileif uve been ling fr this rare binatin f business savv and design expertise, bagrund ight interest u:ten ears f ring experiene slid bagrund in the anageent f reative up-and- ersn ne tehnlgies that sh instant prfit, suh as ad/athis is but a brief suar f abilities and there is uh, uh re t sharei feel i have strng aretable sills in hih u uld be interested please ntat e if u uld lie t hear and see re ith an thans,huang an(责任编辑:)文章地址:/qiuzhiiuzhi/ingpinxin/1611416420330ht
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