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假冒商品的危害(Harmfulness of Fake Commodities)eah individual enunters suh trubles as siness and disfrt situatins in his r her develpent siilarl, eah siet is inevitabl harfull ipated b iral r even illegal eni ativities in the press f its evlveent the st ntrius and harful ang these despiable atives are fae ditiesfae dities, lie a virus that intrudes and ripples an rganis, exert alaringl detriental influenes n eah individual nsuer, the unit, and the sial res as ellthe diretl hurt the nsuers b prviding prduts that are pried highl but inferir in qualit seties suh prduts as faed ediine r fds an threaten nsuers life, needless t entin nsuers eni lss the re fae dities a siet has, the re exaerbated the ral and ethi in that siethat the siet ust iediatel address is t iniize the quantit f an fae dities and eradiate an pprtunit t anufature the
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