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不必庸人自扰(Dont Sweat the Small Stuff)我们常常为一些事情把自己搞得非常激动,可仔细想想,事情 并非真有那么重大。我们把注意力集中在一些小事上和无所谓的担 忧上,并把它们夸大渲染一番。比方说,一位陌生人在驾驶时,突 然把车开到我们前面。于是我们觉得我们就该愤怒,而不是一笑了 之,继续我们的一天。我们的脑海中浮现出一种想象的冲突。我们中的许多人事后会对别人讲述这件小事而不是束之高阁。 为什么不让该司机在别处出现交通事故呢?试着怜悯那个人,记住这 样行色匆匆结果是多么痛苦。这样,我们能保持自己的幸福感,避免以一已之私看待别人 的问题。在我们的一生中,每天都有许多类似的琐事发生。不管我 们必须排队等候,聆听不公正的批评,还是做大部分的工作,如果 我们学会不为琐事所困扰,我们就会大受裨益,收获甚丰。 因此, 许多人为琐事花费大量精力,庸人自扰,以致于他们无法感受到生 活的神奇与荚丽。当你下决心朝不计较琐事这一目标努力时,你就会发觉你有 更多的精力使自己变得更加温柔可亲。英文译文:ften e all urselves t get all red up abut things that, upn lser exainatin, arent reall that big a deal e fus n little prbles and nerns and bl the a ut f prprtin a stranger, fr exaple, ight ut in frnt f us in traffi rather than let it g, and g n ith ur da, e nvine urselves that e are ustified in ur angere pla ut an iaginar nfrntatin in ur ind an f us ight even tell sene else abut the inident later n rather than sipl let it g h nt instead sipl all the driver t have his aident sehere else?tr t have passin fr the persn and reeber h painful it is t be in suh an enrus hurrthis a, e an aintain ur n sense f ell-being and avid taing ther peples prbles persnall there are an siilar, sall stuff exaples that ur ever da in ur liveshether e had t ait in line, listen t an unfair ritiis, r d the lins share f the r, it pas enrus dividends if e learn nt t rr abut little things s an peple spend s uh f their life energ seating the sall stuff that the pletel lse tuh ith the agi and beaut f lifehen u it t ring tard this gal u ill find that u ill have far re energ t be inder and gentler
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