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体育运动 The Positive and Negative Aspects of 体育运动 The Psitive and Negative Aspets fThe Psitive and Negative Aspets f Sprts 1 体育运动的好处 2 体育运动可能带来的副作用 3 我参加体育运动的体会 范文: T a hinese, the tas f learning English ell is nt eas S I, lie an ther English learners, have et ith diffiulties in learning English during the past seven ears But I anaged t vere the and ade uh prgress The spelling and eaning f rds an be said t be the first diffiult I et as a beginner But I fund ur n a t deal ith the As t spelling, I never pied a ne r again and again t reeber it, but tried t find its relevane t the sund In fat, as lng as I an read the rd ut, I an rite it ut As t the eaning, I rarel reite its hinese translatin but ften put the rd int the sentene t learn its eaning rever, if u use a rd quite ften, its spelling and eaning ill be n prble After all, e are learning English in rder t use it Graar and idis a be anther diffiult But I have als gt ver it I have nt read lts f graar bs But I spent uh tie reading the artiles ritten b native speaers r speialists in English B ding s, I ae t gain “a sense f English language” I began t gain a feel fr hih sentenes are “gd English” and hih are nt Finall, I ant t sa that vering all these diffiulties requires perseverane In the past seven ears I spent at least an hur n English eah da I believe this is an iprtant reasn h I a able t ae prgress in learning English
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