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当教师的好处(Advantages of Being a Teacher)当教师的好处(advantages f being a teaher)i e fr a fail f teahers father as a teaher, sister is a teaher, and i a a teaher h d e have strng passin fr this prfessin? fr ne thing, i nsider self nt nl a teaher, but als a learner being a teaher alls e, in fat fres e, t be a learner first, i ust prepare all that i ill teah, during hih press i self learn a lt sendl, i ust find as f helping students t understand their assignentsthirdl, i ust then tr t understand and respnd in a helpful a t students ideas furthl, i ust fre self t be reative, beause if i deliver a bring lessn, students ill feel bred and t be reative, i ust learn re rever, a teahers b is nt (and des nt need t be) a rutine if u find urself bred ith ding the sae thing ver and ver again, u have nl urself t blaethis is beause a teaher has a great deal re independene and ntrl ver hat he des than an ther prfessinals d als, u a find teahing a peple b it invlves interating ith students and helping the t interaet ith eah ther a gd teaher ill ae his ideas alive, and ill aaen idea in the ininds f his students, in the press, he ill benefit b getting t n his stttitents and their as f thining in su, there is a great deal ne angit ut f being a teaher i suppse nt all teahers get all that the an ut f their prfessin se a get ver little but fr thse h are suited b teperaent t be teaher,it is a perfet b
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