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互联网-The Internet The Internet李佳钰,高二班The Internet exerts a peuliar fasinatin n a great an peple Bth the ld and the uth an en the ivilized frts hih dern siene brings t us It reall adds lr t the dull rutine f everda lifeThere is n dubt that fr the uth the Internet is an iprtant tl fr stud Nthing an be pared ith its nvenient peratin, high speed and varied infratin resures As lng as u li hat u need, ull get a large nuber f infratin pied ut in suh a shrt tie Besides utputting the infratin, at the sae tie, n an input ur n rs and send the t the Internet In this a u an have re pprtunities t share the treendus spiritual exiteent ith the nes h have n gals B parisn, the uth prefer t spend the lng and friendless evenings in frnt f the puterit seers t be the nl fr f entertainent The have a variet f experienes: fr the hat t the lve nline fr the netr gae t the netr rie Perhaps the have led the ultural trend f the netr, and the are the spreader f the Internet ultureThe ld, hever, seties iagine the Internet t be a srt f plae full f ster The ften failed t understand h the net rs ne thing is ertain, hever, the alas g int raptures at the ere entin the Internet The are frever taling ith a prud abut h silled their grandsns perate the puter and surf the Internet, r the fantasti the Internet trip the ent n their n -after that, the never frget t list the privilege f dern siene ne b ne, and ae a nlusin that h fast the siene and tehnlg develpedN ne an avid being influened b dern siene and tehnlg abe e an use ur intelligene t ae re disveries and reate re inventins aiing at influening re peple 文章地址:/zuen/inguzuen/gzz/20070910112409334ht
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