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专升本(理工类) 第一套 大学英语 一、词汇与语法(总 15 分) 1、 Professor Smith and Professor Brown will _ in giving the class lectures.(D) (0.5 分) A:exchange B:alter C:shift D:alternate 2、The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents .(C) (0.5 分) A:command B:conviction C:consent D:compromise 3、Our research has focused on a drug which is so _ as to be able to change brain chemistry.(A) (0.5 分) A:powerful B:influential C:monstrous D:vigorous 4、The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway.(B) (0.5 分) A:vanished B:abandoned C:scattered D:rejected 5、 Henrys news report covering the conference was so _ that nothing had been omitted.(C) (0.5 分) A:understanding B:comprehensible C:comprehensive D:understandable 6、 She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her _ to Scotland.(D) (0.5 分) A:ticket B:place C:seat D:connection 7、 The ship was _ in a storm off Jamaica.(C) (0.5 分) A:drowned B:sunk C:wrecked D:submitted 8、No one has _ been able to trace the author of the poem. (B) (0.5 分) A:still B:yet C:already D:just 9、 More than one-third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _ in San Francisco.(B) (0.5 分) A:previously B:predominantly C:practically D:permanently 10、The new secretary has written a remarkably _ report only in a few pages but with all the details.(A) (0.5 分) A:concise B:clear C:precise D:elaborate 11、The managing director took the _ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.(C)(0.5 分) A:guilt B:charge C:blame D:accusation 12、The worker agreed to _ the strike if the company would satisfy their demands.(C) (0.5 分) A:call for B:call forth C:call off D:call up 13、I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldnt _ what color it was.(B) (0.5 分) A:look out B:make out C:get across D:take after 14、 He has impressed his employers considerably and _ he is soon to be promoted.(D)(0.5 分) A:eventually B:yet C:finally D:accordingly 15、 It was a great _ for him to be pleasant to people he didnt like.(D) (0.5 分) A:attempt B:trouble C:power D:effort 16、The firemen managed to _ the fire in time.(A) (0.5 分) A:extinguish B:prevent C:suppress D:ruin 17、What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs. Richard _ common.(B) (0.5 分) A:nothing but B:anything but C:above all D:rather than 18、 The car was completely _ and the driver seriously injured. (C) (0.5 分) A:broken off B:taken off C:written off D:picked up 19、On this happy occasion, Id like to say that we are _ much obliged to you for your kind cooperation.(B) (0.5 分) A:even so B:ever so C:as yet D:so far 20、His new appointment takes _ from the beginning of next month. (B) (0.5 分) A:place B:effect C:post D:office 21、He was afraid that the branch might bend over and break, and he would be sent _ to the ground.(A) (0.5 分) A:crashing B:throwing C:rushing D:dropping 22、Mr. Smith gradually _ a knowledge of the subject.(D) (0.5 分) A:attained B:achieved C:required D:acquired 23、This is the _ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.(A) (0.5 分) A:actual B:genuine C:real D:original 24、My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.(C) (0.5 分) A:treated B:adopted C:adjusted D:remedied 25、 According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _ of maturity.(B) (0.5 分) A:fulfillment B:achievement C:establishment D:accomplishment 26、The number of tickets _ will be determined by the size of the stadium.(D) (0.5 分) A:adaptable B:acceptable C:advisable D:available 27、 Too many hotels have been built and this has _ prices, making holidays cheaper.(D) (0.5 分) A:cut short B:cut out C:cut off D:cut down 28、He is a very honest official and never _ any gifts from the people who sought his help.(A) (0.5 分) A:accepted B:received C:took up D:excepted 29、He was not _ to the club because he wasnt a member.(B)(0.5 分) A:allowed B:admitted C:permitted D:approved 30、Although he doesnt like that law, he will _ with it. (C) (0.5 分) A:confine B:conform C:comply D:contend 二、完型填空(总 15 分) Most dictionaries will tell you a number of _1_ about a language. There are three things in particular that _2_ important: spelling, pronunciation, and meanings. The first and most obvious thing is that a dict
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