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我国人数位居世界第二(Chinas Internet users worlds second largest)the fast grth f internet has bee a sptlight in hinas infratin and uniatins industries, said vie inister f inistr f infratin industr iang aping n thursdaiang tld a natinal eeting n internet that the untrs inreasing netizens prpted the rapid develpent f internet related tehnlgies in hinathe nuber f bradband users reahed 77 illin and there are urrentl 788,000 ebsites in the untr, arding t iangdespite its send plae in the rld list, internet penetratin is atuall relativel ea per apita in the untr f 13 billin pepleiang said internet has plaed an inreasingl iprtant rle in prting hinas eni develpent and iprving peples life qualiteanhile, he said hina is stepping up effrts in supervising the internet ith the ide use f internet in the untr, his inistr has alread shifted fus fr ensuring infratin and netr safet t prteting intelletual prpert rights, nsuers rights and priva and business seretsa series f rules and regulatins have been red ut in this regard, inluding the internet safet eergen plan, he nted互联网在中国的普及程度越来越高,截止今年 6 月底,我国 的网民数量达到 123 亿,仅次于美国,位居世界第二。据信息产业部副部长蒋耀平周四介绍,互联网的迅速发展成为中国信息通讯业的一大亮点。蒋部长在 2008 中国互联网大会上说,我国网民的不断增加推 动了我国互联网相关技术的迅速发展。蒋部长介绍,目前,我国宽带用户达到 7700 万,国内网站达 到 788 万。虽然我国网民数位居世界第二,但我国人口总数达 13 亿,互 联网的渗透率还是相对较低。蒋部长说,互联网在促进中国经济发展和提高人民生活水平 方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。他还说,中国正在加大互联网的监管力度。随着互联网的使 用日益广泛,信息产业部已将工作重点从保证信息和网络安全转移 到保护知识产权、消费者权益和隐私以及商业秘密上来。他说,信息产业部已出台了互联网安全和应急预案等一 系列相关的法律法规。
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