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The Food and d rink r epor T In a year of change, British consumers are looking for control when it comes to what they eatHealt Hy eating: common sense rules Although two thirds of Brits follow some sort of diet or health drive, three quarters of us say we now opt for a more common- sense approach rather than a strict regimen. Cutting out food groups or following a diet plan has fallen out of favour, with people now preferring to focus on making healthy choices. According to Ross Anderson, Head Chef at Waitrose Cookery School, Salisbury, Faddy diets are definitely going out of fashion people are more aware of how to eat more healthily and in a way thats easier for them to maintain. Almost seven in 10 shoppers say they feel happier when they buy food they know is healthy. This is reflected in our buying habits: were making small tweaks to broaden our diets and add more vegetables. Posts about #meatfreemonday on the waitrose T witter page have gone up 53% in the past two years; sales of vegetarian prepared meals are up by 11%, while new launches include celeriac rice and beetroot spaghetti. Exclusion diets are falling in popularity, as fewer of us are cutting down on carbs in general. Instead were choosing more complex versions such as barley, quinoa and bulgur wheat. While a third of us eat less for the sake of it or out of habit than we did five years ago, we allow ourselves the odd little treat after all, a little bit of what you fancy does you good! And if were treating ourselves, were looking to make it count, with indulgent desserts up 20% and Waitrose 1 Mini Chocolate Bars up 14%. People are wiser than ever about what works for them its about balance and common sense, which is a really positive way to make healthy choices. Moira Howie , Waitrose n utrition manager sout Herners are t He most likely to decide on WH at to H ave for dinner at t He last M inute. Peo Ple in t He e ast Midlands like to P lan aH ead t He most tH e day before 18% Just before i eat 11% o t Her time 4% b reakfast time 14% lunc Htime 22% tH e Weekend before 6% 4Pm 14% 6Pm 8% The Waitrose Food and Drink Report 2017-18 | waitrose.com | 3 2 | waitrose.com | The Waitrose Food and Drink Report 2017-18 Waitrose carried out extensive research into the top food and drink trends in 2017. We conducted OnePoll consumer research on a wide range of topics with 2,000 people of all ages not exclusively Waitrose customers. This was supported by focus groups in which people were asked in-depth questions about their shopping, cooking and eating habits. Some of the focus group participants share their views with us in this report. Our research supports insights from Waitroses own food, drink and retail experts. It is backed up with sales data from millions of purchases throughout the year. T here was a time when the nations shopping habits were dictated by the big supermarkets. Shops restricted opening hours, their limited ranges and their often out-of-the-way locations meant that consumers had to dance to their tune. The retailers called the shots. No more. Todays shoppers exercise unprecedented control over when they shop, what they buy and how they consume it. Our research for the Waitrose Food and Drink Report 2017-18 found that people have become more flexible in their shopping patterns, more price-savvy and more single- minded than ever before. For example a staggering 65% of Britons visit a supermarket more than once a day on a regular or occasional basis. Over half of us dont decide what were having for dinner until lunchtime; one in 10 of us will decide just before we eat. Why are we so last-minute? Because we can be. Aided by supermarkets longer opening hours, more convenient locations and carefully chosen ranges, the consumer is in charge of their domain.As shoppers take control, social conventions are falling. Our research found that theres no longer a stigma in buying reduced food and no longer a taboo in dining out alone. And there is no longer pressure to put on a fancy dinner party. We do what we like because were in charge.Feeling in control of our lives has arguably never been more important. After all, there is much going on in the world right now over which we feel we have little control. Our mission at Waitrose is to help provide shoppers with flexibility. Through our locations, opening hours, online channels and service we offer them the convenience they need. Through our ranges which are edited in our small stores, extensive in our larger ones we offer them high- quality products to inspire. We provide the tools; customers take control. I believe that this is the recipe for success. a ll figures are comP ared to t He same Period t He Previous year, unless ot HerW ise stated. f or furt Her information, Please contact tH e Waitrose Pres
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