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地球-我们的母亲(The Earth-our Mother)pple ften sa that the earth is lie ur ther she gives life t all the living things n the earth and prvides us ith air, fd, ater and ther essential things e need fr livingne she as beautifhl and rih, but n she bees dirtier and dirtier, prer and prer it is due t hat e have dne t her please have a gd l at her: plluted rivers and laes, gring deserts, the destrutin f the frests and ild life, and the depletin f the zne laeran she bear t see her hildren putting the aste here and there? an she bear t see her hildren utting dn the trees and destring the grassland, t see the aid rain destring everthing? an e bear t see ur ther suffering s uh? isn it tie fr us t as urselves hether this is the a t treat ur ther?flds, draughts, aid rain,these are the punishents fr nature everne shuld n that there is nl ne earth, lfe g n treating her lie this, it n t be fit fr us t live in an lnger it s tie fr us t lve her, tae gd are f her and ure her e shuld save the earth s as t save urselves地球- 我们的母亲英语作文译文:人们经常说地球就像我们的母亲。她给了地球上所有生物生 命,给我们提供生活所必需的空气、食物、水和一切基本的需要。曾经她美丽富饶,而现在她变得越来越脏,越来越贫脊,那 都是我们造成的。请好好看一看她:受污染的江河湖海、扩张的沙 漠、森林和野生生物的毁灭、臭氧层的耗尽 她能忍受她的孩子到处乱扔废弃物吗?她能忍受她的孩子砍伐 树木、毁坏草原,让酸雨毁灭一切吗?我们能忍受她遭受这样的痛苦 吗?我们该问问我们自己,这就是我们对待母亲的方式吗?洪水、干旱、酸雨这些都是自然对我们的惩罚。每个人 都应该清楚人类只有一个地球。如果我们继续这样对待她,她将不 再适合我们居住了。是该我们好好爱她、照顾她、治疗她的时候了。 我们应该拯救地球,以便拯救我们自己。
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