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家教之我见nadas, an inreasing nubers f parents as llege students t at as private tutrs t their ids lie everthing else, private tutring als has advantages and disadvantages generall speaing, the advantages an be listed as fllsfirst, private tutring is helpful t the parents an parents are s bus ith their r that the have n tie t help their hildren ith their lessns besides, private tutring is gd fr the tutrs theselves the an ae se ne hile prviding a servie fr thers st iprtant f all, private tutring is benefiial fr ids sine the parents ant help hen the ids have prbles, private tutring sees t be a ise hiehever, private tutring als has disadvantages t begin ith, it taes s uh f the ids tie that the an hardl find tie fr rest and auseent, hih is harful t their health t ae atters rse, se tutrs have t an ids t teah s that the neglet their studies at shl rst f ail, se tutrs nl ffer tips fr test taing rather than teahing ids hat is reall neededarding t the abve analsis, it is lear that the disadvantages uteigh the advantages therefre, it is prpsed that great ephasis be laid n the stiulatin f the id s learning and the ultivatin f their ptential rever, ids shuld be given re tie t pla s that a ne and health generatin ill eerge
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