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1 BELLA. ; Id never given much thought to how I would die. 我从没多想过我会怎样死去 00:00:32,962 开始 But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 但为心爱的人而死,似乎是个不错的方式 00:01:10,499 00:01:14,560 BELLA. ; So I cant bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. 所以我不能后悔我做了离家的决定 00:01:16,405 00:01:18,202 I would miss Phoenix. fi:niks n. 凤凰, 长生(不死)鸟引申为重生 我会想念 凤凰城的 00:01:20,609 00:01:22,338 Id miss the heat. 我会想念那里的 热浪 00:01:25,614 00:01:28,481 adj. 无确定路线,不 稳定的,奇怪的,游走的,移 动 的; 偏离的,偏执的,固执的, 无规律的,漂泊的,反复无常的,漂游的 n. 古怪的人,漂泊无定的人 I would miss my loving, erratic, irtikharebrained mother. h breind 我会想念我那善变而又粗心大意的妈妈 PHIL: Renee, come on. BELLA. ; And her new husband.和他的新丈夫 Guys, come on. I love you both. We got a plane to catch.拜托,我 爱你们,但我们要赶飞机呢 But they want to go on the road,so Im gonna spend some time with my dad, 但他们要出行,所以我要跟我爸住上一段时间 and this will be a good thing.这是件好事 I think.我认为 00:02:13,062 00:02:14,461 BELLA. ; In the state of Washington,在华盛顿州 under a near constant cover of clouds and rain,在乌云骤雨下2 theres a small town named Forks.有一个叫霍克斯的小镇 Population, 3, 120 people.人口 3120 This is where Im moving. 我要搬去这个地方 My dads Charlie.我爸叫 查理 Hes the chief of police.他是位警官 Your hairs longer. 你头发长了 I cut it since the last time I saw you.上一次见你后就没剪过了 Guess it grew out again. 长得挺快 BELLA. ; I used to spend two weeks here almost every summer, 我以前每个夏天都在这里住上两个星期 but its been years. 但那是很多年前的事了 Ive cleared some shelves off in the bathroom.我把架子从浴室里拿走了 Right. One bathroom. 是,只有一个浴室 Its a pretty good work lamp. 这个台灯挺不错的 The sales lady picked out the bed stuff. 销售小姐帮我挑了个好的 You like purple, right? 你喜欢紫色,对吗? Purples cool.紫色挺好的 Thanks.谢谢 Okay. BELLA. ; One of the best things about Charlie,查理的其中一个优点是 he doesnt hover. 他不缠人 39 00:04:18,821 开始 - Bella, you remember Billy Black. - 贝拉,你记得比利布莱克吧? - Yeah.- 记得 - Wow, youre looking good. - 你精神很好啊 - Well, Im still dancing.- 我还能跳舞呢 Im glad youre finally here. 真高兴你过来了 Charlie here hasnt shut up about it since you told him you were coming. 查理知道你要过来后,嘴就没停 过3 All right, keep exaggerating.Ill roll you into the mud. 你再这么扯我把你推进泥浆里igzdreit After I ram you in the ankles. 那我先撞断你的腿 - CHARLIE: You want to go? - 你来真的吗? - Yeah.- 对 Bring it. 放马过来 - Hi, Im Jacob.- Hey.- 嗨,我叫雅各布- 嗨 We used to make mud pies when we were little.我们小时候一起玩过家家的 Right. No, I remember.对,我 记得 Are they always like this?他们总是那么好玩吗? - Its getting worse with old age. - 老了就没那么能玩了- Good.- 嗯 So, what do you think? 怎么样?Of what?什么? - Your homecoming present.- This?- 你的回家礼物- 这个? - Just bought it off Billy here.- Yep.- 刚从比利那里 买的- 对 - I totally rebuilt the engine for you.- Come on.- 我把引擎重新装好了- 拜 托 Oh, my gosh! 天啊 This is perfect. Are you joking me? 太棒了,不是在开玩笑吧?Sorry.对不起 I told you shed love it. 我说过她会喜欢的 Im down with the kids. 我最了解小孩的了 Oh, yeah, dude. Youre the bomb.对, 对,你最棒 Okay. 好 Listen, you gotta double-pump the clutch when you shift,换档时要多扭一下 but besides that, you should be good.其他应该没什么问题 - Thats this one?- Yeah. Yeah, right there.- 这里吗?- 对,就这里 All right. Do you want a ride to school or something?要去学校看看 吗? I go to school on the reservation. 我在保留区的学校上学(译注:指印第安保留4 区) - Right, right.- Yeah.- 好- 嗯 Thats too bad. It wouldve been nice to know one person. 那太遭了,一个 认识的人都没有 7200:05:48,043 开始 BELLA. ; My first day at a new school. 我第一天去新学校上学 Its March, middle of the semester. 那是三月,学期中 Great.还好 - Nice ride.- Thanks.- 靓车啊- 谢谢 Youre Isabella Swan, the new girl.伊莎贝拉斯旺,新同学 Hi, Im Eric, the eyes and ears of this place.你好,我叫埃里克, 这里的地头虫 Anything you need, tour guide,lunch date, shoulder to cry on? 你有什么需要吗?导游,午餐 约会,男朋友? Im really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type.其实我是个沉默寡言的人 Good headline for your feature. 那你可以做报纸专题 啊 Im on the paper,and youre news, baby, front page.我是报社的,你很有新 闻价值,可以上 头版 No, Im not. 不,我不要(STUTTERS) You. Please dont have any sort of. 你请不要有任何 Chillax. No feature. 放松点,那就不上报纸了 8900:06:57,346 开始 Whoa!噢! Im sorry.对不起 I told them not to let me play.我叫他们别让我上 场的了 No way. No, no, no.Thats. Thats. Dont.不,不那没什么 Youre Isabella, right? 你是伊莎贝拉,是吗? Just Bella.叫我 贝拉就可以了 Yeah. Hey, Im Mike Newton.好,我叫麦克纽顿5 - Nice to meet you.- Yeah, yeah.- 很高兴认识你- 对 - Shes got a great spike, huh? - (CHUCKLES) Yeah, its.- 她挺大力的,是 吗?- 是啊,只是 Im Jessica, by the way.我叫杰西卡 Hey, youre from Arizona, right?你从亚利桑那州来的,是吗?Yeah.是 Arent people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan? 亚利桑那州的人皮肤不是棕褐色的吗?Yeah.是 Maybe thats why they kicked me out.所以他们踢我出校 Youre good.你真幽默 Thats so funny.很搞笑 10700:07:42,991 开始 ERIC: Like a masterpiece, you know, 是一件惊世巨作 well have, like,this crazy pyramid fall from the sky,金字塔重天而降 - and then you guys can. - Its my pleasure, Madame.- 你们可以- 我很荣幸,女士 - You guys can give each other high fives. - Burrito, my friend? b rit u- 你们到时就可以互相拍掌庆贺了 - 老友,要玉米卷 吗? - Hey, Mikey! You met my home girl, Bella?- Hey. Your home girl? 你的小妞? - Yeah.- Yeah?- Thats.- My girl. Sorry I had to mess up your game, Mike!不好意思 抢了你头彩,麦克 Its like first grade all over again.Youre th
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