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我的大学生活apus life Hell everneTda I glad t be here t give a speeh abut fresh experiene in hina Agriulture Universit First I ust sa the apus life is reall different fr hat I have experiened in high shlFr instane,I used t lean upn dritr teaher t ae e up n tieBut n I have t set several alar ls t ae self uld hear the in the rning therise I uld iss lassAnd then even rse there uld be nbd reind e exept teaher!S the differenes are everhere and I uld easil find theThe hange f life is great and it s nderful:I have re tie f n and the rights t deide h I live apus ativities are rih and lrfulLearning English has bee a habit t e ause I plan t stud abrad in next fe earsPlaing Guzheng is favrite ativitI have ept n pratising it sine I as a little girl and I ish t in re petitins in apus life ur universit has the first level equipents and the st experiened teahers,als has the best students(laugh)I nsider it t be a hnr that I ve gt a hane t stud here and I sinerel hpe that e uld live nderful lives in ur apus!
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