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小鸟为你带来快乐(A Sandpiper To Bring You Joy)she as six ears ld hen i first et her n the beah near here i live i drive t this beah, a distane f three r fur iles, henever the rld begins t lse in n e she as building a sandastle r sething and led up, her ees as blue as the seahell, she said i ansered ith a nd, nt reall in the d t bther ith a sall hild i building, she saidi see that hat is it? i ased, nt aringh, i dnt n, i ust lie the feel f sandthat sunds gd, i thught, and slipped ff shes a sandpiper glided bthats a , the hild saidits a hat?its a aa sas sandpipers e t bring us the bird ent glissading dn the beah gd-be , i uttered t self, hell pain, and turned t al n i as depressed; life seeed pletel ut f balanehats ur nae? she uldnt give upruth, i ansered i ruth petersnines end i sixhi, endshe giggled ure funn, she said in spite f gl i laughed t and aled n her usial giggle flled ee again, rs p, she alled ell have anther happ dathe das and ees that flled belng t thers: a grup f unrul b suts, pta eetings, and ailing ther the sun as shining ne rning as i t hands ut f the dishater i need a sandpiper, i said t self, gathering up at the ever- hanging bal f the seashre aaited ethe breeze as hill, but i strde alng, tring t reapture the serenit i needed i had frgtten the hild and as startled hen she appearedhell, rs p, she said d u ant t pla?hat did u have in ind? i ased, ith a tinge f annanei dnt n, u sah abut harades? i ased sarastiallthe tinling laughter burst frth again i dnt n hat that isthen lets ust al ling at her, i ntied the deliate fairnessf her fae here d u live? i asedver there she pinted tard a r f suer ttages strange, i thught, in interhere d u g t shl?i dnt g t shl sas ere n vaatin she hattered little girl tal as e strlled up the beah, but ind as n ther things hen i left fr he, end said it had been a happ dafeeling surprisingl better, i siled at her and agreed three ees later, i rushed t beah in a state f near pani i as in n d t even greet end i thught i sa her ther n the prh and felt lie deanding she eep her hild at hel, if u dnt ind, i said rssl hen end aught up ith e, id rather be alne tda she sees unusuall pale and ut f breathh? she asedi turned t her and shuted, beause ther died! and thught, gd, h as i saing this t a little hild?h, she said quietl, then this is a bad daes, and esterda and the da befre and-h, g aa!did it hurt? did hat hurt? i as exasperated ith her, ith selfhen she died? f urse it hurt! i snapped, isunderstanding, rapped up in self i strde ffa nth r s after that, hen i next ent t the beah, she asnt there feeling guilt, ashaed and aditting t self i issed her, i ent up t the ttage after al and ned at the dr a dran ling ung an ith hne-lred hair pened the drhell, i said i ruth petersn i issed ur little girl tda and ndered here she ash es, rs petersn, please e in end taled f u s uhi afraid i alled her t bther u if she as a nuisane, please, aept aplgiesnt at all-shes a delightful hild, i said, suddenl realizing that i eant it here is she?end died last ee, rs petersn she had leueia abe she didnt tell u stru dub, i grped fr a hair breath aught she lved this beah; s hen she ased t e, e uldnt sa nshe seeed s uh better here and had a lt f hat she alled happ das but the last fe ees, she delined rapidl her vie falteredshe left sething fr uif nl i an find it uld u ait a ent hile i l?i ndded stupidl, ind raing fr sething, anthing, t sa t this lvel ung an she handed e a seared envelpe, ith rs p printed in bld, hildish letters inside as a draing in bright ran hues-a ell beah, a blue sea, and a brn bird underneath as arefull printed: a sandpiper t bring u tears elled up in ees, and a heart that had alst frgtten t lve pened ide i t ends ther in ars i s srr, i srr, i s srr, i uttered ver and ver, and e ept tgetherthe preius little piture is fraed n and hangs in stud six rds- ne fr eah ear f her life- that spea t e f harn, urage, undeanding lve a gift fr a hild ith sea-blue ees and hair the lr sand- h taught e the gift f lve
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