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展望未来(Looking forward to the Future) ling frard t the futurehat ill the future be 11 n let s see the enduring prise f hpe that lies in the futurethere are liel t be nuerus ptential breathrughs (突破) and ahieveents in siene and tehnlg slutins t urrent sial and eni prbles ill be fund in the field f industr, agriulture and servie industr, pssible prduts and anufaturing (制 造) ethds ight be realized hi-teh industr uld develp fasterthe future generatin ill have the pprtunities t reate the ind f life, t have the ind f freed, that all previus generatins nl dreaed f the living envirnent ill be leaner and satisfatr peple ill lead a arefree life higher eduatin ill be available t ever nledge-thirst persn it is hard t detail visins n peples beautiful lifefuture is indeed lie a riddle, se areas f hih are bend the reah f ur iaginatin nevertheless, ne thing is ertain: the advaneent f siene and tehnlg ill haraterize the future nl thrugh astering advaned siene and tehnlg an a natin be suessful in faing re hallenges f tehnlgial revlutin and sial prgress展望未来英语范文点评:提纲与文章内容一致、上千连贯,在三 个充分展开的段落里用细节、说明来支撑主题。提纲帮助作者组织 思路,使文章层次清楚、条理分明,合乎逻辑地概括了所有的重点, 避免了思维不清晰、逻辑不通顺。
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