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1,Words and phrases related to swimming,2,Collocations: break + the/ones + noun,3,Word formation: roots,4,Translation of general words used in sports contexts,5,Translation of idiomatic phrases,6,Useful expressions,Look for words and phrases in the text related to swimming.,Words and phrases related to swimming,Para. 1 swim season; swim meets,Para. 2 swim meet; win,Para. 6 swim night; all four strokes; races and timers,Para. 7 pool,Para. 8 50-meter freestyle; swim turn; miss the wall; touch the wall; hurt her time,Para. 9 backstroke and breaststroke; flap,Para. 10 relay team ; lap,Para. 11 swim the anchor leg,Para. 13 in the lead,Para. 14 in the zone; make the turn,Para.15 treaded water,Para. 18 win the gold medal,More words and phrases related to swimming:,dog paddle; dive; lane; paddle; swimming suit; ,Words and phrases related to swimming,Collocations: break + the/ones + noun,Look for collocations with break in Para. 5 of Text A.,Elizabeth started to talk about quitting swimming, which broke my heart because she loves swimming. So I came up with the deal, and she readily agreed.,Collocations: break + the/ones + noun,Translate the following Chinese expressions in the box into English by providing nouns or noun phrases that go with the verb “break”. Then complete the sentences with translations from the box.,Exercise 6,ones heart,ones promise,break the record,the habit,break the law,the silence,break the ice,new ground,Collocations: break + the/ones + noun,1) The German athlete is expected to break _ for the 200-meter race.2) When new people meet for the first time, it is important to have an activity that helps break _.3) He should be brought to justice for he has broken _.,Exercise 6,the record,the ice,the law,Collocations: break + the/ones + noun,4) However, it is inevitable to break _ sometimes. My dear friends, have you got that kind of experience? Do you keep your promises all the time?5) It breaks _ to see the little girl crying over her dead pet.6) A good way to break _of eating too quickly is to put your knife and fork down after each mouthful.,Exercise 6,ones promise,my heart,the habit,Roots provide the basis for word meanings. A good understanding of them will help you see how a word derives its meanings and ease the difficulty of remembering them.,Word formation: roots,e.g. “tract” meaning “draw”,contract:,together + draw收缩,extract:,out +draw抽出,More examples:,attain,maintain,obtain,revolver,evolve,involvement,visit,video,visual,conserve,observe,deserve,bankrupt,abrupt,disruptive,Word formation: roots,More examples:,ascribe,demote,inscribe,scribble,automotive,promote,intact,tactile,contagion,vivid,revival,survivor,Word formation: roots,More examples:,inject,project,subject,contradict,dictator,dictionary,Word formation: roots,Word formation: roots,Watch the following micro-lecture to learn more about “Roots”.,Exercise 7,Complete the sentences with appropriate words in the boxes. Make changes where necessary.,Word formation: roots,1) The Internet has been viewed as one of the greatest _ that ever happened in human civilization.,2) All the vehicles _ in the crash have now been removed from the scene.,revolutions,involved,A. evolve, involve, revolution, involvement,Exercise 7,Complete the sentences with appropriate words in the boxes. Make changes where necessary.,Word formation: roots,A. evolve, involve, revolution, involvement,3) In the past year, dozens of entertainers in this country have been arrested because of their _ in drug use.,4) The small plant has not only survived the hard times but _ into a major chemical manufacturer.,involvement,evolved,Exercise 7,B. supervise, revise, visible, visual,Word formation: roots,5) Before you hand in your essay, you should _ it and polish it.,6) People buy pets for their kids, but fail to _ enough, which results in the suffering of the poor animals.,7) He has made _ progress since his father became more engaged in his life.,8) You cannot photograph a tree. You can only photograph a form and color that conveys the _ information of a tree.,revise,supervise,visible,visual,Exercise 7,C. predict, contradict, dictator, dictation,Word formation: roots,9) They are not representative of the public and are behaving like _.,10) Within five minutes he had _ himself twice.,11) She had served for years as the secretary of the general, taking _ of his personal and official letters.,12) Whether this will be successful or not is still difficult to _.,dictators,contradicted,dictation,predict,General words used in sports contexts,Translation of general words used in sports contexts,Meanwhile, a girl in lane two was gaining on Elizabeth. (Para.15),此时,第二泳道的一个女孩正逐渐赶上伊丽莎白。,Common words used in a specific field will have special meanings. When translating common polysemous words and expressions, we should use context clues and encyclopaedic knowledge to decide their meanings.,
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