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我为何而活(What I Have Lived For)hat i have lived fr 我为何而活bertrand russellthree passins, siple but verhelingl strng, have gverned life: the lnging fr lve, the searh fr nledge, and unbearable pit fr the suffering f anind these passins, lie great inds, have bln e hither and thither, in a aard urse, ver a deep ean f anguish, reahing t the verge f despairi have sught lve, first, beause it brings estas - estas s great that i uld have sarified all the rest f life fr a fe hurs f this i have sught it, next, beause it relieves lneliness - that terrible lneliness in hih ne shivering nsiusness ls ver the ri f the rld int ld unfathable lifeless abss i have sught it, finall, beause in the unin f lve i have seen, in a sti iniature, the prefiguring visin f the heaven that saints and pets have iagined this is hat i sught, and thugh it ight see t gd fr huan life, this is hat - at last - i have fundith equal passin i have sught nledge i have ished t understand the hearts f en, i have ished t n h the stars shine and i have tried t apprehend the pthagrean per b hih nuber hlds aa abve the flux a little f this, but nt uh, i have ahievedlve and nledge, s far as the ere pssible, led upard tard the heavens but alas pit brught e ba t earth ehes f ries f pain reverberated in heart hildren in faine, vitis trtured b ppressrs, helpless ld peple a hated burden t their sns, and the hle rld f lneliness, pvert, and pain ae a er f hat huan life shuld be i lng t alleviate the evil, but i annt, and i t suffer this has been life i have fund it rth living, and i uld gladl live it again if the hane ere ffered t e
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