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联展考研网- 中国研究生考试信息平台http:/www.thea.cn/xkyfd/ 481. I threw a row of arrows, which narrowly passed the narrow-minded mans eyebrows。我掷了一排箭,箭紧擦心胸狭窄的人的眉毛而过。482. “Sorry, Ill borrow the lorry tomorrow,“ the sorrowful man said with worry in the corridor。“对不起,明天我要借用这辆卡车。 ”那个悲伤的人在走廊里担心地说。483. The signalmans signature sign is significant to the vacant vacation。信号员的签字符号对空假期具有重要意义。484. The resigned designer is designated to an assignment of reigning the foreigners。辞职的设计者被指派了一个去统治外国人的任务。485. Because of the temperature tempo, I temporarily lost temper to my contemporary in the temple。联展考研网- 中国研究生考试信息平台http:/www.thea.cn/xkyfd/ 由于温度进度的原因,我在庙里一时地同代人发了脾气。486. The empty empires emperor made an attempt to tempt the contemptuous man。空虚帝国的皇帝试图诱惑那个轻蔑的人。487. The one-eyed man obeyed the obedient audiences order。独眼人服从了顺从的听众的命令。488. The patriots radar made the radical patient impatient。爱国者的雷达使激进病人不耐烦。489. From the experiment the experienced expert gained an unexpected expertise。有经验的专家从实验中获得一项意外技能。490. Details about the tailors tail are available from the prevailing dailies。联展考研网- 中国研究生考试信息平台http:/www.thea.cn/xkyfd/ 有关我缝在尾巴的细节可从流行的日报上得到。(内容由新东方在线考研网校整理,转载需 注明联展考研网地址:http:/www.thea.cn/xkyfd/)
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