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我的村庄(My Village)我的村庄( village)village is ii1 the suthest f england, hih is a ver beautiful area in the untr in the nrth f this area there are hills in the suth there are several villages n the ast in the east there are ds and in the est there are re hills there are several islands ff the suth ast, here fisheren g t ath fish village lies n the river test and has a ppulatin f 70 peple it lies 1 iletres t the east f hpe,the nearest tn a ne rad runs int the village and separates it int t parts it is faus fr its heese huse is part f an ld far befre, father used t eep anials in it, but n the building has been hanged int a huse there is a beautiful garden in frnt f huse i gr an inds f flers and vegetables in it in the suer das fail ften sta there in the pen air and ur eals 我的村庄 我的村庄位于英格兰西南部,是个非常漂亮的地方。它的北部是 连绵不断的丘陵地带,南部海岸与其他利庄相邻,东部是大片的森 林,而西部是山脉。南部有许多岛屿与我们村隔海相望,渔民常去 那儿打鱼。我们村有 70 口人,它距最近的城镇河欧普 1 公里。泰斯 特河从我们村旁流过,一条新修的公路横穿村内,将其分为两部分。 我们村的乾酪远近闻名。我们家的住房本属一所旧农场的一部分。 从前,父亲曾在此养殖牧畜。现在这所建筑物已改造成住房。房屋 的前面修了个漂亮的花园,我常在此种各种各样的花和蔬菜。夏天,我们全家人常常在户外用餐。
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