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摘 要 I 摘 要 本文以我国引咎辞职制度推行过程中出现的问 题及制度建设为研究对象,综合分 析了我国引咎辞职制度的相关 规定及具体的实施过程,详 细列举了引咎辞职制度出现 的许多问题,进而对阻碍引咎 辞职制度顺利推行的原因进 行了系统的研究,最终提出 引咎辞职制度顺利实施的建设 性意见。为了更好的促进引 咎辞职制度的发展,将外部 控制和内部控制相结合,从社 会、官员、个人三个层面采 取一系列的措施:一是从引 咎辞职制度本身上进行完善, 这是引咎辞职制度顺利施行 的前提;二是建立和完善与 引咎辞职相关的配套制度。包 括实施政务公开和信息公开 制度、加强对引咎辞职制度 实施的监督和认真做好引咎辞 职干部的管理工作;三是营 造良好的实施引咎辞职制度 的社会环境,从打造责任理念 主导的行政文化环境、推进 公民的政治参与和创造引咎 辞职制度实施的舆论环境三个 方面入手;四是要提升领导 干部的行政伦理素质。用行 政伦理立法来规范官员的行政 伦理素质,同时建立专门的 伦理监督机构和加强对公务 员的职业道德培训与宣传。 本文主要包括以下四个部分: 第一, 引咎辞职制度研究的背景和意义, 介绍了国内 和国外的研究现状, 主要内容和创新点; 第二, 引咎辞职制度的理论分析, 介绍了引咎 辞职的历史沿革, 分析了引咎辞职的内涵, 为全文的分析提供基础; 第三, 我国引咎辞 职制度的现状分析, 系统研究了我国引咎辞职制度存在的问题, 包括制度设计和制度实 施两个方面, 并分析了影响引咎辞职制度顺利实施的原因; 第四, 完善我国引咎辞职制 度的措施, 从以下四个方面进行完善: 完善引咎辞职的运行体系; 建立和完善引咎辞职 的配套措施; 营造良好的实施引咎辞职制度的社会环境; 提升领导干部的行政伦理素质。 关键词 领导干部 引咎辞职 制度 措施Abstract II Abstract This paper has studied the issue of the resignation system and perfection of the system in our country, and has comprehensively studied relevant stipulation and specific implementation of the resignation system in our country, and has analyzed a lot of manifestations of the issues existed in the resignation system as well. This paper has explored the formation reason of the resignation system based on the content above mentioned, and has put forward an idea to resolve the system issue and to perfect the resignation system. To resolve the resignation system issue, we should start with the combination of the external control and internal control, and take effective measures at different levels including state, society, officials and personal, and the first step is perfecting the resignation system, that is premise of successfully implementation of the resignation system. Above all, we should relocation the resignation system in our country, and then we should perfect the resignation system from its scope, object and determination standards and procedures. The second step is perfecting corresponding system concerning the resignation system, including implementation of administrative affairs publicity and information publicity and improvement of supervision of implementation of the resignation system and administration of the resigned cadres. The third step is building good social environment of implementation of the resignation system, and we should start with three aspects, including creating responsibility idea leading administrative culture environment, promoting political participation of citizens and creating the public opinion environment of implementation of the resignation system. The fourth step is improving the administrative ethics quality of officials. We should regulate the administrative ethics quality of officials with administrative ethics legislation, and establish specialized ethics supervision institutions and strengthen the professional ethics training and publicity of officials. This paper is divided into four parts, including: The first part is background and significance of the resignation system research, which introduces the domestic and abroad study situation, the main contents and innovative points. The second part is theoretical Abstract III analysis of the resignation system, which introduces history of the resignation and introduces the theoretical basis of the resignation in detail, and analyzes the content of the resignation and provides basis for analysis of the full text. The third part is current situation analysis of the resignation system of our country, which has systematically analyzed the issues existed in the resignation system of our country, including system design and system implementation, and has analyzed the reason influenced the successfully implementation of the resignation system as well. The fourth part is perfection of the operation system of the resignation system in our country, which has took the perfection measures from the system itself and corresponding measures,and which is building good social environment of the resignation system, and has studied from social environment leading successful implementation of the resignation system and improvement of the officials administrative ethics quality. Keywords Resignation System Responsibility Ethics第 1 章 绪 论 1 第1 章 绪 论 1.1 研究的背景和意义 1.1.1 问题的提出 进入 21 世纪以来,随着政府改革的深入进行以及“责任政府”的构建,政府官员 问责制启动,通过各级政府不断努力,已经取得有目共睹的成效,对我国责任政府、法 治政府、问责政府建设做出了重要贡献。在政府官员问责制中, “引咎辞职”己成为我 国政治生活中一个引人注目的新现象。 2002年12月31日,重庆市彭水县副县长蒋成谷因对两起交通事故造成26人死亡事 件负有领导责任而引咎辞职。蒋成谷是我国第一个引咎辞职的县级官员。2003年非典两 位部级高官引咎辞职,引咎辞职开始引起了国内的广泛关注。2004年后,引咎辞职制度 进入实施阶段。有代表性的引咎辞职事件有: 2004 年 4 月 14 日,中国石油天然气集团公司总经理马富才(部级),因为 2003 年 12月重庆开县井喷事故造成243人死亡而引咎辞职。 马富才是我国第一个提出引咎辞职 的部级高官。2004年4月15日,北京市密云县县长张文,因对2月5日该县发生的迎 春灯会特大踩踏事故死亡37人负有重要领导责任而引咎辞职。2004年4月17日, 吉林 省吉林市市长刚占标因为2月25日该市中百商厦发生特大火灾和54人死亡事故而引咎 辞职。 2004年4月29日, 浙江省海宁市市长张仁贵因该市2月15日发生的特大火灾并 造成 40 人死亡的事故而引咎辞职。2004年5月1日,国有企业川化集团有限责任公司 董事长、总裁谢木喜因对沱江特大污染事故负有重要领导责任而引咎辞职。2005 年 12 月 2 日,国家环境保护总局局长解振华因松花江环境污染事件而引咎辞职。2008 年 9 月 15 日,山西省省长孟学农因山西省临汾市襄汾县新塔矿业有限公司尾矿库发生特别 重大溃坝事故,造成 259 人死亡事件而引咎辞职。2008年9月22日,
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