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我的室友-My RoommateRateIt as first da at the universit arring bags f luggage, I aled sll int the dritr building I led dr after dr fr nae At last I fund it In the r, there as alread a girl aing her bedSiling shl, she greeted e ith h d u dThen, she ntinued her r, paing n re attentin t ehat a stu up fell, I thught Then I began t exaine the r It as n different fr an ther r I had seenBut it had been thrughl leaned b ne rate, n dubtinutes later, I started t exaine her She as thin, shrt and darHer hair as in a pletel disastrus ess lie a bunh f straHer dirt lthes and tired l ere learl signs f a lng urne ell, her 2shirt as t big fr her and her trusers ere a bit shrt, hih ade her l funnFurtherre, she re a pair f rubber sandals, hih ere indeed ut f fashin In a rd, she did nt l lie a sart freshan at all A el, I nludedThe send tie she spe, her aent tld e that she as fr the suth Shall I help u t get ur luggage fr the grund flr? I did nt refuse sine I reall needed help !She as qui in atin Befre I said Thans, she had alread aled ut f the r and as sn far ahead f eA gd gu, I said t self, I ill ae friends ith her I hurried and aught up ith her简评本文作者通过细致的观察和生动的语言,使一个淳朴少女的形象 跃然纸上。作者叙述了上大学的第一天对室友的第一印象。有外表 的描写:黝黑瘦弱矮小、头发像一团乱草堆、穿着不合身的衣裤和 过时的凉鞋。由此,作者得出的结论是她是个“乡巴佬” 。有语言的 描写:h d u d,Shall l help u t get ur luggage fr thegrund flr?,虽然言 语不多,但读者能感受到这是一个热心善良的女孩。还有行动的描 写:整理完自己的床铺后,帮作者搬行李,表现出她勤劳淳朴的一 面。因此,作者最终产生了要和她交朋友的想法。本文字数不多, 情节简单,但作者成功地塑造了室友的形象:身材矮小,但有着高 大的形象;衣着过时,但有一颗美丽的心灵,与作者相成了强烈的 对比。作者对语言的运用自如,有扎实的语言功底。文章读来没有 晦涩生硬之感。
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