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河南城建学院本科毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 I 摘 要 为了巩固我们所学的知识,并在各方面得到更进一步的提高,我选择了S314三门 峡至荥阳一级公路DE段作为毕业设计,这是在毕业之前对自身学习状况的最后一次检 查。 我所选择的设计路段是从K4+950至K7+300段,全长2350米,设计车速80km/h, 路基宽度为24.5m。 此次毕业设计主要包括的内容如下: 1、路线设计:在已知平面图的情况下,进行纵断面的设计,要求线路顺畅、填挖 平衡、经济合理。 2、路基设计:包括各个桩号的填挖计算、填挖较大地段的稳定分析、整个线路的 土石调运借配等。 3、路面设计:路基在不同干湿状态下,所设计的沥青路面和水泥混凝土路面方案 的比选,要求经济合理,便于施工并满足各设计规范要求。 4、路基、路面排水工程;高填挖地段的防护工程以及路基加固工程:这一部分相 当重要,对于路基排水,采用了边沟、截水沟、急流槽等排水设施;对于路面排水, 除了对路面进行了路拱设计,还进行中央分隔带的排水设计;对于特殊路段的防护和 加固主要采用了骨架内植草和挡土墙。 5、桥涵设计:包括桥梁和涵洞的形式、尺寸的设计。 6、英文翻译 7、专题研究:对此行业新观点或者新技术的综述。 关键词:路线,路基路面,桥涵,排水,综合设计河南城建学院本科毕业设计(论文) Abstract II Abstract In order to strengthen our knowledge that we have learned, and to receive further improve in all aspects, we choose a new level of highway, which is from Sanmenxia to Xingyang , as my road engineering graduation design, and this is the last examination for what we have learned before our graduation. In this design, our task is to design an secondary road. The road, which is 2350 m from K4+950 to K7+300. Whose design speed is 80km/h and the wide of the subgrade is 24.5m. Our prime contents of the graduation design project includes as follows: 1The design of the route: Conduct the longitudinal design and make sure that the line smooth fill in the required big balance, reasonable economy, in condition on the landform which is known. 2. The design of the subgrade: The work involves a lot of items: analyze the stability of brae; the fill or dig height of every peg and so on. 3. The design of pavement: This design contents that the select of the construction about concrete and asphalt pavement in different case, and require the economic reasonable, facilitating construction and meet the design requirements specification. 4.The design of the subgrade pavement and the drainage engineering, high embankmentarea dig protection engineering and roadbed reinforcement engineering, as for the subgrade drainage, the ditches, cut ditch, the rapids chamfer drainage, this part is quite important. As for the pavement drainage, apart from the arch design road pavement, it also includes the central space of drainage design, as for the special sections of the protection and reinforcement, it mainly adopts skeleton inside plant grass and retaining wall. 5. The design of the bridge and culverts which include size and form. 6. Translate an English article into Chinese. 7Investigate the monograph which about a new technique or a new viewpoint in this field. Keywords: route, roadbed and pavement, bridges and culverts, drainage, integrated design河南城建学院本科毕业设计(论文) 目录 I 目 录 前 言.1 1 绪论.2 1.1 选题设计背景 .2 1.2 设计内容 .2 1.3 毕业设计的目的 .2 2 公路路线设计.4 2.1平面设计.4 2.1.1 一级公路几何指标的汇总.4 2.1.2 相关技术指标.4 2.1.3 主要技术指标复核.5 2.1.4 选线.6 2.1.5 公路平面线形设计.8 2.1.6 汽车行驶轨迹.11 2.1.7 平面线形要素.11 2.2 路线纵断面设计 .11 2.2.1 平纵组合的设计原则.11 2.2.2 纵断面设计要求.12 2.2.3 纵坡设计的有关规定和要求.12 2.2.4 坡长要求.13 2.2.5 合成坡度.14 2.2.6 设计步骤.15 2.2.7 拉坡.15 2.3 竖曲线设计 .15 2.3.1 竖曲线设计标准.16 2.3.2 竖曲线设计的要求.16 2.3.3 竖曲线要素计算.17 2.3.4 计算各点设计高程.18 2.4 路线横断面设计 .19 2.4.1 路基宽度的确定.19 2.4.2 车行道宽度的确定.20 2.4.3 硬路肩宽度的确定.20 2.4.4 路拱横坡度的确定.21 2.4.5 中间带宽度的确定.21 2.5 平曲线加宽
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