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陕西邮电职业技术学院毕 业 论 文论文题目 利率市场化对我国经济的影响_ 系 别 管理系 _ 专 业_金融管理与实务_ 班 级_金融管理与实务0832 学生姓名_杨宝宁 _ 指导教师_张铭 _2011 年 5 月摘 要 随着经济体制改革的深入推进,利率市场化已成为我国金融改革的重点之一。利 率市场化改革能否更有效地理顺利率机制、促进经济增长是一个值得研究的问题。本 文结合我国经济转轨时期的具体国情,基于资金的利率配置机制、投资的利率约束机 制、储蓄的利率动员机制、消费的利率引导机制、通货膨胀的诱发机制和借贷双方的 激励机制对利率市场化对我国经济增长的影响进行了分析,并通过建立两个博弈模型 加强投资的利率约束机制和借贷双方激励机制的论证,从理论上论证了利率市场化有 利于理顺我国利率与经济增长间的传导机制,使政府能够通过引导市场基准利率,更 好地实现宏观经济调控,从而有利于我国长久稳定的经济增长。在收集整理了我国 1981年至 2007年的宏观数据基础上,对利率市场化改革前后实际利率与经济增长的关 系进行了实证分析。逐一分析了利率与储蓄、消费、投资的变化趋势,并对实际利率 和经济增长率做了平稳性、协整关系检验。实证分析验证了利率市场化改革在长期内 有助于理顺利率与经济间的传导机制,进而促进我国经济稳定增长的观点。文章在最 后有针对性地提出了相关的政策建议。 关键词:利率市场化;经济增长;金融深化;利率软约束ABSTRACT With deeply promoting economic reform, market-oriented interest rate becomes one of priorities of financial reform. Whether market-oriented interest rate can rationalize the rate mechanism and promote the growth of economy becomes an issue worthy to study. This article, with the economic transition of Chinas specific national condition, bases on the funding allocation mechanism of interest rate, the investment constraint mechanism of interest rate, savings mobilization mechanism of interest rate, consumption guidance mechanisms of interest rate, inflation-induced mechanism and incentive mechanism both lenders and borrowers of interest rate, and makes analysis of impact, which market-oriented interest rate may effect the growth of economic of China. The establishment of two game models strengthens demonstration of the investment constraint mechanism of interest rate and incentive mechanism both lenders and borrowers of interest rate. The article proves that market-oriented interest rate is good to rationalize the mechanism between our rate and economic growth, and enables the government to guide the benchmark interest rate to realize macro-economic regulation, which is favorable for long-term and stable growth of our economic. After collecting the macro-economic data from 1981 to 2007, the article makes empirical analysis of the relationships between actual interest rate and economic growth. The article analyses the changing trend of interest rate and saving, consumption and investment, then makes tests of data stationability and cointegration of actual rate and economy growth. Empirical analysis verifies the view that market-oriented interest rate is good to rationalize the mechanism between our rate and economic growth. So that market-oriented reform of interest rate promotes Chinas economic growth. Finally, the article puts forward relevant policy recommendations. Keywords: Market-oriented Interest Rate; Economic Growth; Financial Deepening; Soft Constraints of Interest Rate 利率市场化对我国经济的影响_ -i- 目 录 第一章 绪论.1 1.1 研究背景.1 1.2 文献综述.1 1.3 研究方法.2 1.4 本文特点.2 第二章 利率市场化的相关理论 .4 2.1 利率市场化概念的界定.4 2.2 利率市场化的相关理论.5 第三章 利率市场化影响我国经济增长的机制分析.8 3.1 资金的利率配置机制.8 3.2 投资的利率约束机制.10 3.3 储蓄的利率动员机制.12 3.4 消费的利率引导机制.13 3.5 通货膨胀的诱发机制.15 3.6 借贷双方的激励机制.15 第四章 利率市场化影响我国经济增长的实证检验.19 4.1 数据的收集整理、相关解释以及直观分析.19 4.2 实际利率与储蓄、消费、投资的趋势分析.20 第五章 经济增长要求下利率市场化改革的政策建议 .24 5.1 减少行政干预和民间资金融通限制.24 5.2 努力形成我国有效的市场基准利率.24 5.3 理顺利率与经济增长间的传导机制.
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