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1Unit1 Ways of Learning Part II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1.They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing. 2.Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel. 3.They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly. 4.Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. 5.Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel. 6.He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself. 7.He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA. 8.The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided. 9.One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day. 10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity. 11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking. 12. The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.21)The text begins with an anecdote. 2)His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West. 3)He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question. 2.Chinese 1)Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand 2)Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over time Americans 1)Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems 2)Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up laterLanguage Sense Enhancement(1) Summarizing (2) value originality and independence (3) contrast between(4) in terms of (5) harbor (6) fearful (7) comparable(8) promote creativity (9) emerge (10)picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investigate 4)In retrospect5)initial 6)phenomena 7)attached 8)make up for9)is awaiting 10) not; in the least 11) promote 12) emerged 2. 1)a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; cant accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII31. 1)continual 2)continuous3)continual 4)continuous 2. 1)principal 2)principal 3)principle4)principles 5)principalIII1.themselves 2.himself/herself 3.herself/by herself/on her own4.itself 5.ourselves 6.yourself/by yourself/on your ownComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1. (1) contrast (2) exaggerating (3) priority (4) on the other hand(5) promoting (6) pick up (7) assist (8) accomplish (9) occasion(10)neglecting (11)worthwhile (12)superior2. (1) end (2) perform (3) facing (4) competent(5) equipped (6) designed (7) approach (8) rest(9) definitely (10)qualityII. translation1. (1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. (2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience. (3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. (4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think its worthwhile to buy it? (5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. 2. To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in 4your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep work
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