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留学教授推荐信留学教授推荐信dear prfessr,as a prfessr h rs in the field in aunting, xxx universit, i a quite illing t rite this letter f reendatin in supprt f iss xxx in supprt f her appliatin t undertae an advaned degree prgra at ur esteeed universitduring her undergraduate studies, the aquaintane beteen xxx and i reained fresh in er until n all freshen ere exited fr their ne universit life, at first finane anage urse, the lassr as filled ith nise, at that tie i raised head t see a little girl in red taling abut sething ith ther student beside her i as angr ith her behavir and in rder t aintain the lessn rder i let her g ut f the lassr seriusl, at first she stpped her taling, then she ent ut f the lassr ith grievane, at ne the lassr beae quiet and i began lessn after lass she ae t e and ade aplg fr her behavir, then she explained t e that at that tie she taled abut h t learn auntant ar ith her lassate hen i gt the real reasn and i gt a idea in ind that this little girl uld a prising develpent n the auntant hih as nfired b her full sre in the finane anageent exa she as the send student f getting full sre in teahing areer i as delighted b her great ptential n auntant ith thse nsideratins, i strngl supprt her in the urrent appliatin effrts and ur favrable nsideratin f his appliatin ill be dul appreiatedudging b bservane f iss xxx, i a sure that u ill find her a qualified andidate fr ur prgra i uld greatl appreiate it if u uld favrabl nsider her appliatin shuld be f an further assistane, please d nt hesitate t ntat esinerel urs,prfessr: xxxadress:xxxxxtel n:xxxxxeail:xxxxx
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