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C8C8-第一课学习重第一课学习重点点 1.1.词汇词汇: introduce yourself-介绍自己 have a conversation-进行谈话 speak with someone-和某人说话 guess the answer-猜答案 right away-马上 dictionary-字典 agree with each other-互相赞同 turn the volume up-把音量调高 a comic book-连环画书 photo album-相册 fashion magazine-时尚杂志 2.2.语法:语法: a noun-名词,table, peach, monkey, school a verb-动词 dance, run, swim, jump infinitive-不定式 如 want to do ,like to do I want to go to school with my friends.我想和朋友们一起去上学。 She likes to eat vegetables. 她喜欢吃蔬菜。 gerund-动名词 (动词后加 ing,相当于名词使用)playing, speaking, eating an adjective-形容词 naughty, beautiful, noisy, big, smart an adverb-副词 quickly, completely, easily a preposition-介词 under, on, in, between, in front of a past participle-过去分词(用在现在完成时或过去完成时中) do-did- done see-saw-seen buy-bought-bought sing- sang- sung play-played-played eat-ate-eaten C C8 8-第二课学习重第二课学习重点点 1.1.词汇词汇: take the elevator 乘电梯 horrible (可怕的) terrible(糟糕的) disgusting(让人感觉恶心的)smelly (臭的、难闻的) amazing(令人惊异的)nasty (恶意的) awful (可怕的,吓人的) sales clerk 销售员 flight attendant 空乘 travel agency 旅行社 2.2.语法及语法及句型句型: I dont mind it. 我不介意它./Im not keen on it. 我不喜欢它 I dont like it at all. 我一点也不喜欢./I cant stand it.我无法忍受它 3.简单句型:表示喜欢的程度(递增) I quite like it. 我比较喜欢它./I really like it. 我确实喜欢它 I love it. 我爱它./ Im crazy about it. 我为之疯狂 4.语法:1)动名词与不定式 Its important to have breakfast. 吃早餐很重要 I really want to go to the beach. 我很想去沙滩 He told me to turn off the light. 他告诉我把灯关掉 I enjoy taking the train. 我喜欢乘火车 Im not interested in climbing the mountains. 我对爬山不感兴趣 2)prefer.to .(比起.更喜欢.)的用法 注意在这个短语中,to 后用名词或动名词。 I prefer swimming to playing soccer.(比起踢足球我更喜欢游泳) I prefer cats to dogs. (比起猫我更喜欢狗) C C8 8-第三课学习重第三课学习重点点 一一. . 词汇词汇: statue(雕像)windmill(风车) castle(城堡)hut(小木屋) phone booth (电话 亭) skyscraper (摩天大楼) palace(宫殿) lighthouse(灯塔)modern (现代的) 二二. . 语法及语法及句型句型: 1.both.and.两者都。 Both Beijing and Shanghai are big cities. 北京和上海都是大城市。 2. either.or.(两者中一个,或者.或者.) Either Joe or Sally went to the Great Wall. Joe 或 Sally 去了长城 Ill choose either of them to compete with. 我将选他们俩中的一个作为竞争对手 3. neither.or.(两者都不) Neither Mark nor Pete likes carrots. Mark 和 Pete 两个人都不喜欢胡萝卜 C8C8-第四课学习重第四课学习重点点 1,1,词汇词汇: chat with someone 和某人聊天 beat someone in a game 在比赛中打败某人 to do a survey 做个调查 to make a mess 弄得一团糟 to have an argument 争论 to get annoyed with someone 对某人恼火 to copy in a test 在考试中作弊 play chess 下国际象棋 Im only joking 我只是在开玩笑 2 2语法及语法及句型句型: (1)当原句是肯定句时,反问句也用肯定句,时态与原句时态一致。 例如 I like reading comic books.-Do you? I dont. I never have time to read.(原句是一般现在时的肯定句,反问时用 一般现在时,相当于 Do you like reading comic books? 的省略形式) (2)当原句为否定句,反问句用否定句,时态与原句时态一致。 例如-I havent eaten anything today. Havent you? I have eaten a lot. have=have got 有 She has a lot of money= She has got a lot of money 注意:这个句型是一般现在时态不是现在完成时,have got 是个短句,相当于 have. 当 have 用在短语中的时候不能变成 have got 此句型不能用在过去时。 C C8 8 -第第五五课课学习学习重点重点 1 1, 词汇词汇 a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 have a chat with=chat with someone 和某人聊天 share something with someone 和某人分享某物 have something in common 在某方面有相同之处 recently 最近 bossy 专横 advert 广告 have the same taste in 在某方面有相同的品味 a chat show 一个谈话节目 2 2,语法及语法及句型句型: (1) 对方说的是肯定句,用 So+助动词+主语的形式,时态与对方原句的时态一致。 例如;-Ive read that story.我读过那个故事。 -So have I.我也读过了。 (2) 对方说的是否定句,用 Neither/Nor+助动词+主语的形式,时态与对方原句的时态 一致。 -I wasnt born in China.我不是在中国出生的。 -Neither was I.我也不是。 注意:此句型中助动词在主语之前,不能倒换。否则,意思将会改变。 C C8 8-第六课学习重点第六课学习重点 1 1 词汇词汇: skunk 北美臭鼬 platypus 鸭嘴兽 woodpecker 啄木鸟 whale 鲸 bat 蝙蝠 beaver 海狸 camel 骆驼 octopus 章鱼 mammal 哺乳动物 reptile 爬行动物 width 宽度 depth 深度 shrimp 虾 pet 宠物 seagull 海鸥 shark 鲨鱼 falcon 猎鹰 mosquito 蚊子 ant 蚂蚁 gram 克 humming bird 蜂鸟 penguin 企鹅 ostrich 鸵鸟 donkey 驴 cobra 眼镜蛇 tortoise 龟 toucan 巨嘴鸟 polar bear 北极熊 spray 喷 melt 融化 height 高度 kilogram 千克 centimeter 厘米 underwater 水下 wild animal 野生动物 less than 少于 more than 超过 in danger of extinction 处在灭绝的危险中 2 2 语法及句型:语法及句型: 1)提问高度 How high is it? Whats its height ? 2) 提问长度 How long is it? Whats its length ? 3) 提问重量 How much does it weigh? (How heavy is it?) Whats its weight? 4) 提问年龄 How old is it? Whats its age? 5)提问宽度 How wide is it? Whats its width? 6)提问深度 How deep is it? Whats its depth? 注:对于高度、长度等有不同的提问方式,但通常第一种是较常用的。 对于人身高的提问常用 How tall .? How tall is he? (Whats his height?) He is 1 meter 21 centimeters. (他有多高?/他身高多少? 他 1 米 21) 对于人体重的提问常用 How much do you weigh ?(How heavy are you?) C C8 8-第七课学习重点第七课学习重点 1 1 词汇词汇: spend 花费(时间、金钱 )fairground 露天游乐场 rent 租 stressed 焦虑不安 的 tent 帐篷 sunbathe 日光浴 embarrassing 尴尬的 book 预定 (房间、 车票等) hire 雇佣 rescue someone 营救某人 a beach towel 沙滩浴巾 get to sleep 入睡 mountain climbing 登山 enjoy oneself 玩得痛快 go camping 野营 go hiking 徒步旅行 go
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