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纪律纪律(Discipline)disipline(纪律)se peple sa that the best a t raise hildren is t the t be independent thiners ther peple disagree and sa that hildren need t be taught disipline in rder t let the suessful in ther rd, hildren shuld either be granted(假定) freed, r be given re disipline i tend t agree ith a pli f fir(稳固的) disiplinethe peple hse vie plaes ephasis(重点) n enuraging hildren t thin freel hpe the hild ill be able t understand and gvern(管理) the rld the hild is nsidered as an equal t the adult this vie has been ppular in the estern untries, here rpral(身体的) punishent f hildren is n illegal the nept(观念) f rights fr hildren is part f a ider plitial(政治上的) veent that als asserts(声称) right fr en, anials and envirnentthe pr-disipline vie is based n the nsensial(常识) bservatin(观察) that, if left unheed(没有管束的),hildren behave stupidl and even run a(杀人狂地, 狂乱的) disiplinarians(严格的人) believe that phsial(肉体的) nstrains(强迫) and punishents ipsed(强加于) b adult teah the hild that his selfishness, laziness and running ild ill lead hi t a bad life the hild then gains isd(明智) thrugh lessns nstraints(约束) and punishents range fr a siple ithdraing(离开) f a privilege(特权) suh as pet ne, liited tie fr athing tv, t a rear(谈论) f beating et the disipline des nt have t be harsh(粗糙的) santins(打破国际制裁的个人) are nl applied(实用的) if the hild behaves stupidldisipline has an areas f pratial(实践的), ne f the st iprtant f hih is eduatin the hinese prverb sas, the strit teaher an ultivate(培养) an utstanding(杰出的) student se adults have bserved(注意到) that strit shls ften ahieve gd aadei(大学生, 大学的) aplishent(成就) lieise(同样地), peple ren(计算) that disiplined hildren are liel t bee prdutive persnsit is bvius t e that an unntrlled hild h des dangerus atters an ause inur(损害) t hiself and t thers and an vilent teenagers appear t behave n fear f punishent fr illegal atin s parents shuld nt give hildren a free hand, espeiall hen the ant tell right fr rng adults have a serius dut f supervising(监督) the ungdisipline is ustified beause adults are generall iser than hildren disipline in hildhd fsters(养育) the hild fr the hardship f his future life
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