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第第四十四十课课 北京小吃北京小吃 Episode Forty Beijing Snacks 小明: 麦mi 克ke , 今jn 天tin 我w 的de 橄gn 榄ln 球qi 学xu 的de 怎zn 么me 样yng ? Xiao Ming:Mike,how was my American football today? 麦克: 怎么znme 说shu 呢ne ?自 从zcng 你n 拜bi 我w 为wi 师sh 以来yli , 就ji 天 天tintin 有yu 进步jnb 啦l 。还 是hish 我w 教jio 得d 好ho 啊 。有yu 句j 成 语chngy 叫jio 什 么shnme 来li 着zhe : 名mng 师sh ? Mike:What do I say? Since you came under my tutelage,youve been making progress everyday. I must be a good teacher. How does that saying go again:famous teacher? ? 兰兰: 名mng 师sh 出ch 高go 徒t ! Lan Lan: Famous teacher trains accomplished students! 小明:吓xi 我w 一y 跳tio 。兰ln 兰ln ,你n 什shn 么me 时sh 候hu 冒mo 出ch 来li 了le ? Xiao Ming:You scared me. When did you suddenly pop up, Lan Lan? 兰兰:哈h 哈h , 我w 早zo 就ji 跟gn 着zhe 你n 们men 呢ne 。你n 们men 居j 然rn 没mi 有yu 发f 现xin 我w 。 Lan Lan:Haha, Ive been following you for a while. You guys didnt even notice me. 麦克:兰ln 兰ln , 小xio 明mng ,我w 饿 了le 。咱zn 们men 去q 吃ch 东dng 西xi 吧b 。 Mike:Lan Lan, Xiao Ming,Im hungry. Lets get something to eat. 小明:好ho 啊 好ho 啊 。咱zn 们men 去q 吃ch 汉hn 堡bo 包bo 怎zn 么me 样yng ? Xiao Ming:Sure. How about we get some burgers? 兰兰:不b 怎zn 么me 样yng 。垃l 圾j 食sh 品pnLan Lan:I dont think so. Its junk food. 小明:那n 你n 说shu 吃ch 什shn 么me 啊 ? 烤ko 鸭y ?炸zh 大d 虾xi ?太ti 贵gu 了le 吧b ? Xiao Ming: Well what do you recommend? Roast duck? Fried prawns? Too expensive. 兰兰:我w 有yu 个g 好ho 主zh 意y 。我们wmen 带di 麦克mik 去q 吃ch 北 京bijng 小 吃xioch 怎 么 样znmeyng ?又 便 宜 又 好 吃yupinyiyuhoch 。麦mi 克k 肯kn 定dng 喜x 欢hun 。 Lan Lan: I have a good idea. Lets take Mike to try Beijing snacks? Theyre cheap and delicious. Mike would love it. 麦克: 北 京bijng 小 吃xioch ?太ti 好ho 啦l 。我w 在zi 电din 视sh 上shng 看kn 到do 过guo 。早 就zoji想xing 吃ch 了le 。我们wmen 快kui 去q 吧ba 。我w 也y 饿 啦l ! Mike:Beijing snacks? Awesome. Ive seen it on TV. Ive wanted to try them for a long time. Lets go now. Im hungry! 麦克:哇w 这zh 么me 多du 好ho 吃ch 的de 。我w 都du 吃ch 不b 过gu 来li 了le 。 Mike:Wow, all this great food. I cant possible try them all. 小明:哈h 哈h 。那n 就ji 多du 吃ch 点儿dinr 。吃ch 饱bo 了le 好ho 教jio 我w 橄gn 榄ln 球qi 。 Xiao Ming:Then have as much as you can. When youre full you can teach me American football. 兰兰:麦mi 克ke ,你n 喝h 豆du 汁zh 吗m ? Lan Lan:Mike,do you drink mung bean milk? 麦克:豆du 汁zh ?这zh 是sh 什shn 么me 味儿wir 啊 ?不b 喝h 不b 喝h 。 Mike: Mung beam milk? Whats that smell? No way am I drinking that. 小明:麦mi 克ke ,不b 会hu 喝h 豆du 汁zh 就ji 不b 能nng 算sun 是sh 北bi 京jng 人rnXiao Ming:Mike,if you dont drink it youre not a Beijinger. 兰兰: 麦克mike ,豆 汁duzh 可k 算 得 上sundeshng 是sh 北 京bijng 最zu 有yu 特色ts 的de 小 吃xioch 了le 呢ne 。不过bgu , 第一次dyc 喝h 都du 觉得jude 不好bho 喝h 。慢mn 慢mn 地de 就ji 会hu 喜x 欢hun 上shng 了le 。 Lan Lan:Mike,mung bean milk is one of the most special of Beijing snacks. But nobody likes it on the first try. Gradually you like the taste. 麦克:那n 我w 就ji 下xi 次c 再zi 喝h 吧b 。 Mike:Then Ill try it next time. 兰兰:好ho 吧b 。 Lan Lan:OK. 麦克:兰ln 兰ln ,北bi 京jng 小xio 吃ch 有yu 很hn 多du 年nin 历l 史sh 了le 吧b ? Mike:Lan Lan,Beijing snacks must have many years of history, right? 小明:那n 当 然dngrn 。就ji 拿n 这个zhge ,对了dule ,就ji 拿n “驴l 打d 滚gn ”来li 说shu 吧b ,它t 都du有yu 几 百 年jbinin 的de 历史lsh 了le 。 Xiao Ming: Of course. Take this-right, like the “donkey rolling around” ,it has hundreds of years of history. 麦克:那n 我w 得di 尝chng 尝chng 。 Mike:That I have to try. 兰兰:怎zn 么me 样yng ?好ho 吃ch 吗m ? Lan Lan:How is it? Yummy? 麦克:嗯g ,好ho 吃ch 好ho 吃ch !就ji 是sh 名mng 字zi 不b 太ti 好ho 听tng 。 Mike:Mmm,its delicious!But the name doesnt sound too good.
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