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要你更大的热情要你更大的热情(Enthusiasm takes you further)ears ag, hen i started ling fr first b, ise advisers urged, barbara, be enthusiasti! enthusias ill tae u further than an aunt f experieneh right the ere enthusiasti peple an turn a bring drive int an adventure, extra r int pprtunit and strangers int friendsnthing great as ever ahieved ithut enthusias, rte ralph ald eersn it is the paste that helps u hang in there hen the ging gets tugh it is the inner vie that hispers, i an d it! hen thers shut, n, u antit t ears and ears fr the earl r f barbara lint, a genetiist h n the 1983 nbel prize in ediine, t be generall aepted et she didnt let up n her experients r as suh a deep pleasure fr her that she never thught f stppinge are all brn ith ide-eed, enthusiasti nder as anne ns h has ever seen an infants delight at the ingle f es r the surring f a beetleit is this hildlie nder that gives enthusiasti peple suh a uthful air, hatever their ageat 90, ellist pabl asals uld start his da b plaing bah as the usi fled thrugh his fingers, his stped shulders uld straighten and uld reappear in his ees usi, fr asals, as an elixir that ade life a never ending adventure as authr and pet sauel ullan ne rte, ears rinle the sin, but t give up enthusias rinles the sulh d u redisver the enthusias f ur hildhd? the anser, i believe, lies in the rd itself enthusias es fr the gree and eans gd ithin and hat is gd ithin is but an abiding sense f lve - prper lve f self (self-aeptane) and, fr that, lve f thersenthusiasti peple als lve hat the d, regardless f ne r title r per if e annt d hat e lve as a full-tie areer, e an as a part-tie avatin, lie the head f state h paints, the nun h runs arathns, the exeutive h handrafts furnitureelizabeth latn f ellsville, an, as 68 befre she began t dra this ativit ended buts f depressin that had plagued her fr at least 30 ears, and the qualit f her r led ne riti t sa, i a tepted t all latn a genius elizabeth has redisvered her enthusiase ant affrd t aste tears n ight-have-beens e need t turn the tears int seat as e g after hat-an-bee need t live eah ent hleheartedl, ith all ur senses - finding pleasure in the fragrane f a ba-ard garden, the raned piture f a six-ear-ld, the enhanting beaut f a rainb it is suh enthusiasti lve f life that puts a sparle in ur ees, a lilt in ur steps and sths the rinles fr ur suls
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