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论智慧论智慧(On Wisdom)i thin the essene f isd is eanipatin, as far as pssible, fr the trann f the here and the n e annt help the egis f ur senses sight and sund and tuh are bund up ith ur n bdies and annt be ade ipersnal ur etins start siilarl fr urselvesan infant feels hunger r distress, and is unaffeted exept b his n phsial nditin graduall ith the ears, his hrizn idens, and, in prprtin as his thughts and feelings bee less persnal and less nerned ith his n phsial states, he ahieves gring isd this is f urse a atter f degreen ne an vie the rld ith plete ustie, and if anne uld, he uld hardl be able t reain alive but it is pssible t ae a ntinual apprah tards ustie, n the ne hand, b ning things sehat rete in tie r spae, and, n the ther hand,b giving t suh things their due eight in ur feelings it is this apprah tards ustie that nstitutes grth in isdan isd be taught? and, if it an, shuld the teahing f it be ne f the ais f eduatin? i shuld anser bth these questins in the affirative i d nt thin that nledge and rals ught t be t uh separated even the best tehniians shuld als be gd itizens: and hen i saitizens, i ean itizens f the rld and nt f this r that set r natin ith ever inrease f nledge and sill,isd bees re neessar, fr ever suh inrease strengthens ur apait f realizing ur purpses, and therefre strengthens ur apait fr evil, if ur purpses are unise the rld needs isd as it has never needed it befre: and if nledge ntinues t inrease, the rld ill need isd in the future even re than it des n文章
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