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7B Unit 5 Abilities 教案教案时设计活页纸总 题 Unit Abilities 总时 10 第 1 时题 The first lessn i and ele t the unit教学目标 1 abilit , Superdg , fl , areful , llet elderl2 t revise vabular abut helping peple in the unit 3 t generate ideas abut as t are fr and help ther 教学重点 H t stiulate the students h t are abut thers and help教学难点 1Giving a seat t sene n the bus2 Taling abut hat peple an d教学过程教 学 内 容备札记Step 1 GreetingsTeahing ais and deands:Ne rds:abilit , Superdg , fl , areful , llet elderlTeahing ethds: tas-based apprahTeahing tas: 1t revise vabular abut helping peple in the unit 2 t generate ideas abut as t are fr and help thers Teahing aids: tape rerderTeahing predures: 一 ar-upTal t students abut Superan Guide students t understand the eanings f “an” and “ant” 二 ain tas 1As fr suggestins f se tpial as students help u ,the shl, the n unit and thers rite the rds everda her n the bard and then brain str situatins in hih students an be helpful 学生活动Ss listen and as and anserSs plete the table n their nGet the Ss t listen and understand时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备札记2As students t l at the pitures n page73 Explain the ntext he understanding f the rds “ planting , lean up ,elderl “ Then as students t read desriptins and the tas 3 he ansers ith the lass 4 As students t l at the pitures and stateents and nsider h ften the engagein the ativities as the t respnd using therds “ regularl / seties / never “ 三 Exerises 练习一 ele t the unit 一、词汇1 Than u fr (bring) e presents and ards 2 He is a (细心的)b 3 I sa a lt f se (e)fr next dr 4 I pured se ater ver aet Thats hat I did fr (safe)Fire an be ver (danger) 6 It is iprtant t be (are)ith the fire 7 hildren shuld nt pla ith (ath)二、翻译句子1 我们可以为希望工程捐款。e an fr 2 她是一位细心的学生,堂上她总能认真听讲。She is a student She alas t the teahers 3 少先队员们为老人们一周两次打扫房间。The ung Pineers the rs fr tie a ee Let the Ss pare “its”and “its”Get the Ss t listen and saplete the nversatinSs pratie the dialgues时设计活页纸总 题 Unit Abilities 总时 10 第 2 时题 The send lessn Reading (1)教学目标 1T intrdue and expand vabular t desrible situatins2T guess ntent fr text tpe, title and piture3T si the text fr verall eaning and san fr detail教学重点 H t find infratin fr the text教学难点 1T respnd t stateents expressing surprise ,interest and aazeent2T desribe fatual details教学过程教 学 内 容备札记Step 1 GreetingsAs ne student t give a dut reprt, the ther students tr t as several questins arding t the reprt Teahing predures: 一 ar-upTal abut danger and ptential hazards at he as if an students have ever had an aident at he tal abut hat t d in asef eergen二 ain tas 1Revie vabular hih is relevant fr this ntext eg “se ,rush ,danger “ 2Enurage students t dra n their n nledge abut suh inidents Have the heard abut siilar inidents ? As:1 h had the aident ?2 h helped in the eergen ?3 H did it end ? 学生活动Ss listen and as and anserSs listen and tr t anser时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备札记3 Listening the text and repeat after the tape , then tell the u the nae f the her in the text 4As six students t read ne paragraph eah then as at least “es /N” abut the artile t he understanding Read the text arefull again then anser the flling questins :1 hat happened n 10th a ?2 h saved r Sun ?3 h uld r Sun nt get ut f the ithen ? 4 H did ang Fang put ut the fire ? h as ang Fang in hspital ? 6 Explain the useful expressins in the text help her neighbr ut f a fire / danger eg esterda i helped a little girl ut danger alne = b neself parents ere ut ust n I a alne / b self n Peter an d his her alne /b hiself hear sene shuting see /ath /find /hear sb d sth (ding sth ) eg I ften see the pla ftball n the plagrund 三 Exerise一、词汇1 That an (qui)ran aa 2 Dnt (抽烟) here , please 3 a fell (跌倒) ff the ladder and (hurt) hiself 4 e shuld (stud) hard Its iprtant (learn) English e 6 e ent t visit Unle ang and (bring) se flers t hi Pla the tape and as Ss t repeatSs d it b theselvesSs pratise the dialgue时设计活页纸总 题 Unit Abilities 总时 10 第 3 时题 The third Lessn Reading BD (2)教学目标 1T identif naes f speifi plaes and atins2T infer general eaning fr pitures erds and ntext教学重点 T fill the bla arding t the text教学难点 T identif and regnize different stress patterns in rds 教学过程教 学 内 容备札记预习要求:学生活动Step 1 ar-up1 ae sure that students understand the nept f ppsites ,Give se siilar eg ht /ld ,fast / sl , big / sall 2 Explain the nept f prefixes and suffixTell students that hen e add the prefix un- in frnt f se adetives , it uuall eans nt Give se exaples friendl /unfriendl , health / unhealth , lu / unlu ,usual /unusual hen e add the suffixful t the end f se adetives , 3 As students t l at the rds in the left lun f Part A and d the tas n their n 4 Have ne student read ut a rd fr the left lun and anther student give the ppsite rd fr the right lun rite the rret anserExplain the ntext f Part B n the bard Ss listen and asSs tr t tell h an sllables there are in the the rdsLet the Ss tr t understand时设计活页纸教学过程教 学 内 容备札记6As students t read t reprts n their n first As the t tr t ae sense fhat is being said in the reprts 7 Then students read the first reprt again anduse
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