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习惯 性格 命运定语从句练习一定语从句练习一 在下列句子中填入适当的关联词 1.He is the professor was named Jackson. 2. He is the professor name was Jackson. 3. He is the professor Jackson met. 4.The novel was read by you belongs to you. 5. The novel, you read , belongs to you. 6.The novel you read belongs to you. 7. The novel cover was broken belongs to you. 8. The novel the cover was broken belongs to you. 9. The novel the cover was broken belongs to you. 10. we all know, China is a developing country. 11. is known to all, China is in the east of Asia. 12. I want to read such a book you read. 13. I want to read the same you read. 14. I saw the same book I lost the day before yesterday. 15. That is the day he went to college. 16. That is the day he went to college on. 17. That is the day he will never forget. 18. That is the day must be remembered by us. 19. This is the place he used to live. 20. This is the place he used to live in. 21. This is the place he visited before. 22. I dont believe the reason he was late for school. 23. I dont believe the reason he was late for school for. 24. I dont believe the reason he he gave me. 25. I dont like the way he spoke to his mother. 26. I picked up the apples. Some of were bad. 27. I picked up the apples, and Some of were bad. 28. I picked up the apples, some of were bad. 29. I picked up the apples butand some of were bad. 30. I have seen many foreigners. Most of are from Europe. 31. I have seen many foreigners; most of are from Europe. 32. I have seen many foreigners, most of are from Europe. 33. I have seen many foreigners and most of are from Europe. 34. He has ten cousins, three of are clever. 35. This is the girl I learned the news. 36. He is the man you can depend. 37. This is the book you can refer. 38. This is the dictionary I paid 5 dollars. 39. Is this the knife you are looking for. 40. She suffered from illness, in case her husband had to stay home. 41. Tom spent 4 years in college, during time he learned French. 42. Jack was a famous doctor, with the help of they succeeded in an operation.习惯 性格 命运43. Jack was a famous doctor, with help they succeeded in an operation. 44. He works in a factory, in the front of there is a river. 45. He works in a factory, in front there is a river. 46. He is the person you can turn for help. 47. The pencil he was writing broke. 48. He is the man from house the pictures were stolen. 49. I told him to go to a doctor he took. 50. Do you know the doctor daughter is a student of Qinghua. 51. This is the best film I have ever seen. 52. He talked about things and persons they remembered in the school. 53. Anything can burn is a source of heat energy. 54. The first thing we should do is to work out a plan. 55. There is no difficulty we cant smooth away. 56. Please get ready for everything we need. 57. He was the first came and the last went. 58. Who is the man is standing beside Tom? 59. Which of the books had pictures was not worth reading? 60. He arrived in Jinzhou in 1984, he became a manager two years later. 61. I suggest you choose someone you think is kind and friendly. 62. His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows, from he could see nothing but trees. 63. You spent more money was intended to be spent. 64. we all know, Taiwan belongs to China. 65. Taiwan, we all know, belongs to China. 66. Taiwan belongs to China, we all know. 67. Our team, we had expected, defeated theirs in the football match. 68. is announced in the papers, China has sent up another satellite. 69. He is often late, is known to all. 70. He is an American, I know from is accent. 71. Take as many books you can. 72. Dont read such books you cant understand. 73. Ill buy the same dictionary you have. 74. This is the same book I lent you. 75. This is the same book I lent you yesterday. 76. The sports meet was put off, astonished us. 77. They didnt come to school on time, made their teacher very angry. 78. She married again, was unexpected. 79. His father died last year, made it impossible for him to go abroad. 80. I lost my watch, is not found yet. 81. He will come, in case Ill ask him to help. 82. That you borrowed from me wasnt a real diamond necklace. 83. she is dressed in white like a nurse, she is not. 84. He looked like an honest man, he was. 85. He is very cheerful,
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