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老友记第二季01 The One with Ross s New Girlfriend本集简介:Rachel, ready to reveal her feelings to Ross, meets him at the airport; her plans fall apart, however, when she finds out about his new girlfriend, Julie. Chandler, already feeling guilty about revealing Rosss feelings to Rachel, now feels worse that he encouraged Ross to forget about her. The gang watches Sumo Wrestling. Phoebe gives Joey and Chandler haircuts; Monica wants one, too. Phoebe is reluctant because of Monicas picky nature, but finally gives in. Monica wants a cut like Demi Moore; unfortunately Phoebe confuses “Demi“ with “Dudley“. Chandler needs a suit made, and Joey refers him to the family tailor; while getting measured for pants, Chandler gets a little more attention than he bargained for. Ross sickens everyone (especially Rachel) with his constant gushing for Julie. In Rachels depression, she sleeps with Paolo again. 瑞秋兴冲冲去机场接罗斯,满怀期待想和他书写新篇章;但罗斯带着朱丽(华裔女孩)回国, 却使她美梦破碎。泄露了罗斯喜欢瑞秋的大嘴巴是钱德,在罗斯出国前劝他忘了瑞秋的也是钱德,钱德为此愧疚不已;大家一起看相扑节目。菲比给乔伊和钱德做发型;莫妮卡眼红要凑热闹。菲比说莫妮卡你太挑剔我怕搞砸被你骂,却又在后者的再三哀求下让步。莫妮卡想剪一个著名女星黛米摩尔的发型,不幸的是,菲比把“Demi“ 听成了 “Dudley“ (后者是一位上了年纪的男影星);钱德想做西装,乔伊热烈推荐他家长年光顾的裁缝;钱德发现该裁缝量身时会占顾客便宜;乔伊起初还不相信,经罗斯确认后赶紧打电话给爸爸,说他们一家都被揩油了。罗斯对朱丽的黏糊劲让每个人都觉得肉麻,尤其瑞秋更是备受打击;情绪低落的瑞秋再度和保路上床。经典对白:2-01 爱情英语故事梗概Ross 到中国出差归来,Rachel 满怀热情地去机场接他(pick him up) ,但让她万万没有想到的是Ross 带回一个叫Julie 的中国女孩,而且两人正在恋爱中,这让Rachel 感到万分难过,这个不谙世事的千金小姐又会干出什么傻事呢?原来她去找Paulo 寻求安慰了。Scene: Monica and Rachel s continued from earlier.Rachel: Ok, Paulo, why dont you just go get dressed, and then you be on your way, ok, bye-bye. (Paulo goes into his room.) Monica: Rachel how did this happen? Rachel: I dont know, I just kinda ran into him last night. Phoebe: Where? Rachel: At his apartment. Is this juice? Joey: Whoa, whoa. And the fact that you dumped him because he hit on Phoebe? Rachel: Oh God, I know Im a pathetic loser. Monica: Honey, youre not pathetic, youre sad. Chandler: People do stupid things when theyre upset. 讲解Friends 中男女关系较为changeable,所以闹分手的情节比较多。例如:she dumped me表示“她把我甩了” 。在第 1 季中,当 ROSS 的前妻 carol 离开他的时候,他用的就是I was dumped by her. 再如: If a man threatens to dump you without premarital sex,youd better dump the man first(如果有人向你威胁说,若你不和他婚前发生性关系,他就要把你甩了的话,你最好还是先把他甩了吧。) Jump 当然还可以用来指 “丢垃圾 (trash)或垃圾堆” 等。如:This town is a real dump (这个小镇真是又脏又乱。) Monica 的妈妈对 Rachel 说:Oh,we were so sorry to hear about your parents splitting up ,dear(听说你父母分开了,我们对此很抱歉。Ross说 I broke up with her (我俩分手了。 )Did you break up with your boyfriend or he dumped you?(是你要跟男朋友分手还是他抛弃了你?)再如: Couples who engage in premarital sex are more likely to break up before marriage than those who do not (同婚前不发生性关系的未婚夫妻相比,婚前就有性行为的未婚男女更有可能在婚前分手。)分手也可以用end our relationship 表示。 “Broke”also means have no money例如: I cant go to the concertIm broke(我去不了音乐会了。我浑身上下搜不出一个铜板来。) Friends 的第 5 季第 2 集中, Monica 对 Rachel 说: I just ran into Dave and he told me that you blew him off!( 大卫说你把他给蹬了!) 离婚则是divorce。 如: She got a divorce from him last year. ( 她去年和他离了婚。 )After his divorce the father was given custody of the children (离婚后,孩子们归父亲照顾。) 在摘录部分还出现了一个非常有意思的短语hit on somebody,通常当“为寻欢而接近某人” (to approach somebody seeking love,sex,etc)来理解。有人将之翻译为“搭讪”,是一种非常文雅的说法。例如:Thats the third guy that has hit on her tonight (今天晚上,这已经是第三个和她套近乎的男人了。)当然, hit on 还做“意识到” (to think up ;to realize) 、 “发现” (to invent) 讲,例如: He hit on a great idea for improving the design(他想出了改进设计的一个妙点子。) 还有,两人如果开始约会后,关系已经稳定了下来,用英语表示是go steady。下次,如果你想问,你俩是否确立了恋爱关系的时候,就可以问:Do you go steady with that boy girl 时下,“爱情英语”正在流行中。爱要怎么说出口呢?看看能否从这里学几招:1 Are you seeing anybody?Are you dating anybody?( 你在约会吗 ?) 2 I plucked up the courage to ask her for a date(我鼓起勇气约了她。) 3 Will you go out with me tonight?Can I take you out tonight? Can I ask you out tonight?( 晚上和我一起出去好吗?) 4 Let me seesend you home(让我送你回家。) 5 Be there or be square (不见不散。 ) 6 I will be right there waiting for you online(我在网上等你。) 7 I am looking forward to seeing you I cannot wait to see you Im dying to see you(我好想好想见你啊!) 8 He turns me on He turns me off (他对我来电。他对我不来电。) 9 I fell in love with you(我爱上你了。) 10Im in love (我坠入爱河了。) 11I fancy her(我对她有好感。) 12I am crazy about him (我为他疯狂。 ) 131 have lost my heart to that girl (我的心为那个女孩而迷失。) 14Dont stand me up(别放我的鸽子。) 15He is not my type (他不是我喜欢的那种类型。) 16You are just the Mrs. Right the right girl for me (你就是我要找的女孩。 )17You are my prince charming (你是我的白马王子。) 18It Was love at first sight (那是一见钟情。) 19You are an eye candy You are so charming(你真漂亮。你太迷人了。) 20Her smiles are so attractivecharming(她的微笑如此迷人。) 21You are everything to me (你是我的全部。) 22Life would mean nothing without you(没有你,生活将毫无意义。) 23she looks hotsexy(她很性感。 ) 24she has a good figure(她有着魔鬼般的身材。) 25He is a man candy He is so cool(他帅呆了。他酷毕了。) 26He is a real man(他是个真正的男子汉。) 27The most miserable thing in the world is that I am right beside you, you dont know I love you(世界上最可悲的事是:我近在你身但你却不知道我爱你。) 28No man or woman is worth your tears ,and the one who is 。wont make you cry (没有人值得你
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