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SIMPACKHow To Use SIMPACK Wheel RailSIMPACK Release 8.624th September 2003/SIMDOC v8.607COPYRIGHT 2003 c ?WRHT:0.0 -2Contents1Setting up a Bogie - Basic Modelling Steps1.1 -71.1Start SIMPACK and Define the First Body . . . . . . . . 1.1 -71.2Define a Track and a Joint Describing Travelling along the Track1.2 -91.3Interactive Kinematic for Checking Contact Points. . . 1.3 -142MBS Model of a conventional vehicle2.1 -172.1MBS-Vehicle Model of a Passenger Car without Wheel-Rail Functionality (Erl2.2Conventional Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 -232.3Modelling of NeiTech for the Passenger Car. . . . . . . 2.3 -322.4Modelling of Wheelsets for the Passenger Car. . . . . . 2.4 -403MBS Model of the DLR Bogie3.1 -473.1MBS-Bogie Model scaled 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 -474Setting up a Bogie with Single Wheels and Steering 4.0 -534.1Model Data for the Bogie Model with Single Wheels . . . 4.1 -544.2Steps for Setting Up the Bogie with Single Wheels and Steering4.2 -574.3Kind of performed Simulations for Bogie with Steering. 4.3 -625Setting up a Bogie with kinematically guided Wheelsets5.1 -655.1Model Data for the Bogie Model with Guided Wheelsets 5.1 -665.2Steps for Setting Up the Bogie with Wheelsets and Guiding5.2 -685.3Kind of performed Simulations for Bogie with Guided Wheelsets5.3 -716Setting up Lateral Control of a Carbody w.r. to Bogie6.1 -736.1The Passive Two Dimensional Model . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 -73Description of the Two-Dimensional Model . . . . . . . . 6.1 -74Scenario of Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0 -77Kind of performed Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0 -77Results with the Passive Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0 -777Implementation of a Lateral Control in the Passive Model7.0 -797.1Implementation of Control Elements for Time-Continuous Mode7.1 -80Results of the Time Integration with the Controlled Car 7.1 -85WRHT:0.0 -4CONTENTS7.2Parameter Variation by Modification of the Gain Factor of the Actuator7.2 -87Parameter Variation in Time-Domain Time-Integration . 7.2 -87Results in Time Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 -88Parameter Variation in Frequency Domain Root-Loci . . 7.2 -89Results of Eigenvalue Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 -907.3Implementation of Control Elements for Time-Discrete Mode7.3 -90Preparations for the Setup of the Model in Time-Discrete Mode7.3 -90Building-Up a New Model for Time-Discrete Mode. . . 7.3 -90Kind of performed Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 -92Results with the Controlled Model. . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 -92CONTENTSWRHT:0.0 -5This documentation describes how to use ”SIMPACK Wheel Rail Func- tionality” to setup for example the model of a passenger car.WRHT:0.0 -6CONTENTSWRHT:1.Setting up a Bogie - Basic Modelling StepsIn the following an overview is given for the modelling steps which have to be performed for setting up a bogie.WRHT:1.1Start SIMPACK and Define the First Body1. Start the SIMPACK User Interface.2. Generate a new model, here called ”Wheelset”. As default this model includes: an inertia frame, named ”$B Isys” a marker located in the inertia frame, named ”$M Isys” a body 3D ensemble, named ”$E Isys” a body 3D primitive of type coordinate frame, located in body ensemble ”$E Isys”, that means the default 3D geom- etry of inertia frame is a coordinate frame a marker located in body fixed reference frame, named ”$M Body1” a body 3D ensemble, named ”$E Body1” a body 3D primitive of type coordinate frame, located in body ensemble ”$E Body1”, that means that the default 3D body geometry is a coordinate frame. a joint from marker ”$M Isys” to ”$M Body1” with zerodegrees of freedom fixing body ”$B Body1” on the inertia frame a sensor from marker ”$M Isys” to ”$M Body1” used for placing the 3D body in the 3D space.3. Start the SIMPACK MBS-Setup module.4. Select MBS-element type Body(a) Select the body ”$B Body1” and rename the body name to ”$B Wheelset”(b) SelectModify of the body(c) Set correct MBS-Body quantities: mass = 1005kg I-Tensor = (572, 95, 572) kgm2 Center of mass = (0, 0, 0 )WRHT:1.1 -8Start SIMPACK and Define the First BodyFigure WRHT:1.1.1: Body Wheelset With 3D Geometry(d) Select 3D geometry(e) Insert a new 3D primitive of type cylinder with diameter = 0.2m and length = 1.4m. color-id 2(f) Select Markers(g) Rename marker $M Body1 representing the body fixed ref- erence frame to $M Wheelset5. Adjust the default view 1 by select MBS-element type 3D- Customize(a) Select View Definitions Select view 1 Select dont change and set the view-up vector to -z, that means the z-axis of inertia frame is shown as vertical axis on the sceen ( 0 0 -1 ). Set the view reference point relative to ( -10., 10., -10. ) z-axis of inertia frame is shown as vertical axis on the screen. Adjust the window (zoom-in / zoom-out)(b) Save the new view definitions as new Default View6. Select MBS-element type Volume Force Set the acceleration in z to
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