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65 课题Unit6 Colours 课 型新授 教学准备挂图,卡片 课 时21 学习目标基础目标1. 能初步听懂、会拼读、 会写单词: red, yellow, green, orange 2. 能初步听懂 What colour is the/my/your, 并且能用 It s来回答。拓展目标1. 进一步巩固 Look at the/my/your, 和表达赞扬的话2. 培养学生听说读写的英语综合运用能力教学重难点重点: 1. 能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词:red, yellow, green, orange 2. 能初步听懂 What colour is the/my/your, 并且能用 It s 来回答。 难点:同重点。教学过程一次备课二次备课Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting 2.Say rhymes T: I like English. Do you like English? S: Yes I do. T:Let say some rhymes to begin our class. Nice clothes Are you Mike? Step 2 Warm up and presentation 1.Free talk 2.教授单词 green, 并且导题a.教师出示春天的图片,并出示单词green教读单词 green, 注意渗透 ee的读音 /i:/ green, tree, bee b.导题T:I like green. I like many colours. Today we ll learn Unit 6 Colours. 教师出示课题 Unit 6 Colours T:Please read with me “ colours” . 并且拼读课题 colours. 3.教授课文 Story time a.教师出示 Yang Ling 的图片T:Hello, boys and girls. Look at this girl. Who s she? 66 S: She s Yang Ling. T: Look at Yang Ling. She s giving a magic show. Look at her skirt. S: It nice.It s great.How nice.Great. b.看动画,回答问题 ,教授句型和单词T:Let s watch Yang Ling s magic show. Before we watch it, I want to give you a question. 给学生问题: What colour is Yang Ling s skirt at the beginning(在开始)?It s . 教师出示 What colour,并且教读T:Please read with Miss Jin. T:Do you catch the answer? What colour is Yang Ling s skirt at the beginning (在开始)?S: It s orange . (2)教师出示单词 orange, 并且教读T:Look, it s orange. 小组拼读单词开火车拼读单词全班说句子: It s orange. 教师出示橙色的物品的图片,让学生造句:Look at the, It s orange. (1) 听录音,回答问题,巩固green T:Yang Ling has question.Can you answer it? 教师出示 Yang Ling 和问题:What colour is my skirt now? 教师出示 now,并且教授单词T:Who can try? 读单词:个别读,小组读教师出示句子: What colour is my skirt now? 读句子:个别读,小组读,全班读T:Now, let s listen to the tape T: Do you have the answer now? S:It s green. 67 Learning tips: There are many things with the wordgreenCan you read them? green card 绿卡 green-eyed 眼红、嫉妒green hand 新手(3)看图,回答问题T:What colour is it now? S:It s redyellow. Learning tips: red and yellow 红黄相间a 色+b色 ab 相间Some words with red red sky 彩霞a yellow dog 忘恩负义的人出示国旗:Our national flag : The stars are yellow,the flag is red. (4)跟录音读课文T:Let s read after the tape. 让学生跟读录音。(5) 一起读课文T:Let s read it togther. (6)Finish the exercises 出示课文图片Look at my skirt. What colour is my skirt now? It s orange. It s green. What colour is it now? It s red and yellow. 68 每组读一幅图课文,再全班一起读。Step 3 Consolidation 1.出示句型:A: Look at the,B: It nice.It s great.How nice.Great. A: What colour is the,B: It s,2.再次读课文练习设计基 础 练 习1. Read the dialogue after class 拓 展 练 习Find the things : red green yellow orange 板书设计Unit 6 Colours A: Look at the, B: It nice.Its great.How nice.Great. green orange A: What colour is the, red yellow B: Its,教 学反 思69 课题Unit 6 Colours 课 型新授 教学准备PPT,挂图,卡片 课 时22 学习目标基础目标1.能熟练地听懂、 会拼读、会写单词: red, yellow, green, orange. black, blue, brown, white 2.能运用日常交际用语What colour is the/my/your, 来并且能用It s来回答。3.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song 拓展目标能熟练运用日常交际用语What colour is the/my/your, 来并且能用 It s 来回答。教学重难点重点: 1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词black, blue, brown,white 2.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲: Colour song 难点:能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词black, blue, brown,white 教学过程一次备课二次备课Step 1 Greeting and warm up 1.Greeting 2.Warm up a.复习上节课的单词和重点句型教师出示不同颜色的物品,让学生说颜色red, yellow, green, orange T: Last lesson, we learnt some colours. Let s review them. 教师先出示颜色单词,拼读单词教师再出示句型: What colour is it? 让学生回答问题: It s,两组问,两组答。T:What colour is it? (1)教师出示绿色的树T:What colour is the tree? S:It s green. 教师出示一些绿色的物品,让学生做对话:What colour is the,It s green. 70 T:Which season is green? S:It s spring. T:Let s say a rhyme. Spring is green. The trees are green. The bees are dancing . I like green. (2)教师出示橙色的物品例如出示一件橙色的外套T:What colour is the coat? S:It s orange. 生生之间对话练习。T:Which season is orange? It s autumn. 利用颜色都可以说一个Rhyme Orange,orange. It s orange. Autumn is orange. I like orange. (3)巩固 red T:Look at this colour. So hot! Can you guess which season is red? S:It s summer. T: Yes. Summer is so hot. Summer is red. Let s say a rhyme. Summer is so hot. Summer is red. I like red. (4)巩固 yellow 教师出示中国国旗:T:What colour are the stars? S: They are yellow. T: Let s a rhyme. Yellow, yellow. I like yellow. The stars are 71 yellow. I love China. Step 2 Presentation 1.Review-Story time T:I love these colours. Do you like the colours, too? S:Yes,I do. 教师出示人物图片:Liu Tao, Wang Bing, Su Hai, Yang Ling. T:Who s he/she? S:He s/She s,He s/She s my friend. 最后出示 Yang Ling. T:Yang Ling is giving a magic show. (1)Read Story time T:Now,let s read after the tape / together. 跟读录音,纠正语音语调。(2)角色扮演(3)Retell-Story time Yang Ling is wearing(穿着)a nice skirt.It s orange .First(首先),the colour turns(变成) to green .At last(最后) , the colour turns(变成) to red and yellow . 教师出示 wearing,并且教读T:What colour are you wearing today? 教师出示 today,并且教读S:(colours) 2.Learning the song-Colour song a. Watch the song b. Explain the sentences c. Sing with the teacher d. Sing together 3.教授新单词:white ,black, brown, blue a.教授单词 white (教师出示春夏秋季节的的图片) T: Look, spring is green. Summer is red. Aut
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