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outward-bound 拓展训练(国外专业名词)Outward Bound Professional Programs(目前国内的水平)Outdoor Experiential Training.即户外体验式培训1、罐头鞋项目介绍: 参与者站在两块搭在三个油桶上的木板上,在人与板都不能碰触地面的前提下达到目的地。项目目标: 理解如何建立有效的途径去搜集信息;提高沟通技巧,克服沟通障碍;理解如何合理分工;学习如何系统思维;学习有效地倾听。Can Shoe Brief introduction :All the members stand on a wood block put on 3 cans and get the destination without touching the ground no matter the block or people. Objectives :Learn how to establish a approach to collect information; Improve communication skills, overcome obstacles in communication; Understand how to make rational assignments of people and tasks; Foster to think in a systematical way; Learn to be good at focused listening 2、黑暗项目简介: 团队在领导的指挥和推动下,通过各层级的沟通协调,共同完成一项特殊的任务,体验团队的领导机制,沟通机制和决策机制。所有队员分成盲人和哑人两组,相互帮助。经历一段艰难的路程,最后完成一项共同的宏伟任务。培训目标: 体验领导在指挥团队完成复杂任务过程中的角色定位;培养团队形成高效的决策机制和执行能力;体验团队各层级的沟通方式,解决沟通障碍。团队大融合,激发士气,提升团队凝聚力;全局观的考虑问题,考虑到所有队员;沟通障碍的消除,共同目标的实现;团队合作,用人之长,容人之短,尊重差异;对待客户的态度、方式,客户的满意度。The darkness Brief introduction :Under the leader?s direction and motivation, the team solve a special task, by communicating and cooperating with the other level of the team. Experience the leadership mechanism, the communication mechanism and the decision mechanism. All the participants are divided into 2 groups, blind and dumb. They go through a tough way to complete a great work by helping each other. Objectives : Experience the leader ?s role while direct the team to complete a complex task. Foster efficient decision mechanism and executive ability. Understand the communicating style of the different level. Overcome the obstacles to communication. Inspire team moral, enhance team cohesiveness. View problem from the team ?s angle, consider all the members. Remove the barrier of communication, reach the common goal. While team cooperating, appreciate the difference of the others, learn from other ?s strong points to offset one?s weakness. Experience the way and attitude treating the customer, pay attention to customer satisfaction. 3、鸡蛋飞行器项目简介: 团队分成若干小组设计、制造能够安全运输生鸡蛋的飞行器,然后进行飞行器比赛,以飞行距离、成本和造型美观度评价成绩。体验团队的协作与高效决策和执行。培训目标: 如何对待团队中的创新行为。在短时间内如何进行有效可行的团队决策。供应链。Egg-craft Brief introduction : The team is divided into several groups to design made the craft, which can transport egg safety. Than take competition with other groups by the flying distance, cost and model. Experience team cooperation and efficient decision and execution. Objectives: How to cope with creative behavior. How to make prompt and efficient decision in short time. Supply chain. 4、交易电网项目介绍:两队所有成员在规定的时间(50 分钟内)内分别从电网的两侧穿越到另一侧项目规则: 所有人员不可触网,触网后原路返回,罚金500 元,没有收入;两队依次运送各自成员;最终团队成员每剩下一人,罚金 1000 元 ,在规定时间内本队成员全部穿越,奖金5000 元项目目标: 领导职能的有效实施有助于达成团队间有效沟通及任务执行;领悟财务与经营决策之间的关系;学习评估风险与回报的关系;双赢思维,要主动寻求团队的最大利益,共享资源才能共享成功;谈判与沟通技巧,组织内的沟通和组织外部的合作如何达到一致;团队角色与分配;客户导向,面对市场变化,不断寻求突破; PDCA ,资源(人力、物力、财力)的合理计划与分配。Spider Web With Negotiation Brief introduction: Two teams stand on the different sides of the web with irregular holes. They should pass through in opposite ways in limited time. Objectives : The efficient function of the leader is a great help to the communication and execution. Understand the finance result of business decision. Learn to evaluate the risk and return. Think win-win. To seek for the maximum benefit positively by sharing the resource with each other. Focus on the negotiating and communicating skill. How to coincide the internal communication with the external cooperation. Team roles. To be customer-oriented, and seek breakthrough to keep up with the market changing.P-D-C-A, the well work procedure. Use resource effectively and efficiently. 5、荆棘排雷项目介绍: 蒙住一名队员的双眼,要求只使用规定的工具,在有障碍物的场地中将目标物取出。项目目标: 培养计划、组织和精细合作的能力;体会个人与集体的关系。Landmine Cleaning In the Bush Brief introduction : The team use the given tools to help the blinded participant take the object out of the obstacles. Objectives : Forster the ability of planning, organization, and carefully cooperation. Experience the relationship between individual and team. 6、联合舰队项目介绍: 三人一组,分别扮演盲、哑、瘸的角色,共同完成一项任务。项目目标: 体会个人与集体的关系;感受团队合作的快乐;会鼓励与赞赏。Combined fleet Brief introduction :hree participants are in one group to play different roles as blind, dumb and lame. They should complete a task together. Objectives :xperience the relationship between individual and team. Have fun to cooperate with the team.Learn to encourage and admire 7、三人行项目介绍: 每组成员被分为三人一组,面对一面高10 米的墙壁,墙壁上错落有致的分布着木桩,三人共同努力,体味登顶的快乐。项目目标: 了解自己的优势和不足, 互理解、取长补短 , 切合作取得成功 DO MORE WITH LESS ,危机意识,竞争观念坚持不懈,不轻言放弃随波逐流在最短的时间内完成艰巨的任务Trinity Brief Introduction: Each three-participants climb up the 10 meters height wall which has several posts on it. Objectives: Know one?s own advantage and shortcoming; Understand each other, and help each other; Reach the goal by harmonious cooperation; Do more with less, has a sense of crisis and competition; Be constant to the purpose; To solve the arduous problem in the shortest time. 8、天梯项目介绍: 参与者每两人一组,不借助任何工具攀登有4-5 根间隔的原木组成的
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