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五年级上五年级上 Module 7 Unit 1 He cant see 导学案外研版导学案外研版五年级上 dule 7 Unit 1 He ant see 导学案外研版教学目标1 会读、写 sh, useful, blind, deaf, hear, firefighter,s ausage,ind 这些单词。2 掌握 He/she/The an/ant并用 an /ant 谈论能力。3 培养学生听说读写的能力。4 培养学生的合作的能力。通过本的学习,教育学生要关心残疾人。教学重点掌握 He/she/The an/ant并用 an /ant 谈论能力。教学难点an 和 ant 的综合运用。教学用具单词卡片、录音机。教学过程一、arer 1Greeting2“ an u run fast?”“an u pla ftball?”“an u pla the flute?”“an u read this?”rite“unit,He ant see” n the bard二、Leading in1 Listen and hantTae ut a pen and a Penil and sa:Pens are ver useful Penils are ver useful trite useful n the bardD u lie dgs?Dgsare ver usefulTda ere ging t tal abut speial dgs”三、Learning Step1 L and learn1 Sh the pitures abut the blind an and the deaf an t Ss And sa: This an is blind He ant see This girl is deaf She ant hear” 2 Teah the rds and sentenes(可以做相关的动作帮助理解) 3 Sh the piture abut fireen and teah4 hat is this?Tae ut ht dg And teahStep2 Learn the text1 Pla the tape“hats happened?”2 Pla the tape again“ Find the sentenes abut the ant ”3 Pla the tape fr third tie4 Get Ss read in grup四、Pratie板书设计:dule 7 unitUnit 1 He ant seeHe is blind She is deaf The dgs help hi/her/theShe ant hearThe fireen ant find pepleAnser:“es, I an”“N, I ant”“N, I ant”L and sadule7 Unit 2 The little girl ant al 教学目标1、会读、会写 sit, sit dn, hi 这几个单词。2、掌握 The ant al Their thers help the3、并用 an /ant 谈论 能力。4、培养学生听说读写的能力。、培养学生的合作的能力。通过本的学习,教育学生要关心残疾人。教学重 点 掌握 He/she/The an/ant并用 an /ant 谈论能力。教学难 点 an 和 ant 的综合运用。 教学用 具单词卡片、录音机、残疾人图片。教学过程一、arer1 Greeting2 “H an dgs help peple?”二、Leading in1 Tae ut the rd ards and get the Ss readrite help, al, eat, si n the bardAs: hats happened ith these rds?Anser:L and readListen t teaherL at the piture三、LearningStep1 Learn the textPla the tape “hats happened?”Pla the tape again“ Find the ne rds”Teah the ne rds四、Pla the tape fr the third tieTeah the sentenesGet Ss read in grupStep2 Pint and sa(SB/2)1 Read the sentene tgether2 Get the Ss r in pairL and riteThen sa五、Lets sing A GD FRIEND六、As and anserthen reeber and saHer1 rite the rds2 p the text3 预习 dule 9dule 7 unit
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