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人教版高二人教版高二 Unit 3 Art and agriculture (Reading)DERN ARHITETURE Teahing gals 教学目标 1 Target language 目标语言 A 重点词汇和短语 Ugl, g against, nstrut, nstrutin, nrete, ipress, rf, baln, fantasti, reate, seashell, sail, stadiu, net, paint, at as, belng t, fill up ith B have / find / ant + bet + bet pleent 重点句型 2 Abilit gals 能力目标 Learn abut the rld faus art and arhiteture, naes f artists and arhitets, faus buildings and rs f art 3 Learning abilit gals 学能目标 B ding grup r the students ill learn t perate and share Different grups ill find infratin f arhiteture in different perids and in different untries Thrugh this ativit, the students ill learn abut se fantasti arhiteture At the sae tie, the students ill en the pleasure f seeing se breathtaing arhiteture Teahing iprtant pints 教学重点 Learn abut the rld faus art and arhiteture and students shuld n st f the faus arhiteture taes exaples fr nature Teahing diffiult pints 教学难点 H t analze the text and grasp the ain idea f the text Teahing ethds 教学方法 Listening, siing, sanning, reading and disussing Teahing aids 教具准备 A tape rerder, a pretr and a puter Teahing predures as 教学过程与方式 Step 1 Revisin T: esterda I ased u t find ut se infratin abut the histr f art and arhiteture, naes f artists and arhitets, faus buildings and rs f art in the rld n the Internet r fr the librar N, Id lie u t share ur ideas ith us Step 2 Pre-reading The teaher shs fur pitures f the Pre-reading part n the PerPint T: L at the pitures and desribe hat u see hat des it l lie? T: Quite gd! Therefre, e an dra a nlusin that all the arhiteture taes exaples fr nature T: hats the title f the text? T: D u thin the text ill be abut the flling tpis? Sh the flling questins n PerPint 1 The passage is abut lassial hinese arhiteture 2 Se dern arhiteture taes exaples fr nature 3 The text is abut pars and gardens Step 3 Reading 1 Sanning This is an individual r As the students t san the text and find the ansers t the flling questins The students shuld finish the r independentl hen as dernis invented? h invented dernis? h did the invent dernis? Sh the questins n the PerPint ne inute later, he the ansers ith the hle lass Sh the ansers n the PerPint 2 Siing Su up the ain idea f the text As the students t read the text and grasp the ain idea f the text Befre giving students the ansers, as the t disuss first In this predure, students shuld su up the ain idea b theselves first Then disuss ith their grup ebers After reading, students ill thin arefull and then the ill disuss ith their grup ebers Then se students ill stand up and spea ut their pinins The ain idea f eah part Part 1(Para 1): Ever great ulture in the past had its n ideas expressed in art and arhiteture Part 2(Para 2): H and hen dernis ae int being? Part 3(Para 3): The differenes beteen traditinal arhiteture and dern arhiteture, and h anient arhiteture had an beautiful buildings Part 4(Para68): Exaples f faus arhitets and great buildings that tae exaples fr nature Step 4 Pst-reading As the students t disuss the pst-reading questins n Page 20 and 21arding t hat t hat the have learnt fr the text and the Internet After the representatives in eah grup give pssible ansers, sh the suggested ansers n the PerPint Tas: pare anient arhiteture ith dern arhiteture shape aterial feeling exaples Anient arhiteture de arhiteture As students t r in pairs and plete the fr Five inutes later as se students t fill in the fr Then sh the suggested ansers n the PerPint T: Fr the text, e have learned the differenes beteen anient arhiteture and de arhiteture Hever, I hpe u ill reeber nt all de buildings are ugl There are se asterpiees hat suh great buildings have in n is that the all tae exaples fr nature Thse that stand lse t nature are beautiful Step Explanatin During this predure, the teaher ill pla the tape fr students Students ill underline the diffiult sentenes After listening t the tape, the teaher ill explain the text and deal ith language prbles Arhiteture ls at the an-ade living envirnent “l at” eans “thin abut ,nsider”(考虑) Eg The refuse t l at suggestin Explain the sentene “Arhiteture ls at the an-ade living envirnent”? Arhitets have their n ideas f beaut expressed in arhiteture S eah arhitet has his n stle Develping untries are all eager t bee dern untries In rder t l lie dern untries, develping untries build dern-ling buildings Develping untries thin if the l lie dern, the distane beteen the and dern untries ill be redued Step 6 Her G ver the text 1 Su up the differenes beteen traditinal arhiteture and dern arhiteture 2 hat des great arhiteture have in n? 3 Pi ut all the sentenes that ntain past partiiples used as bet pleents in the text 4 rite Exerise n Page 97 in their exerise bs
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