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高职高专英语应用能力考试模拟试题三高职高专英语应用能力考试模拟试题三Part I Listening Comprehension 15 points, one point each Direction: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A 5 points Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.A. The woman rejected the mans apology.B. The woman appreciated the mans offer.C. The man had hurt the womans feelings.D. The man had forgotten the whole thing. 2. A. In a restaurant B. At home C. In a car D. On the street 3. A. one B. two C. three D. four 4. A. Maggie thought the experiment was well done.B. Maggie could not continue the experiment.C. Maggie had expected the experiment to be easier.D. Maggie finished the experiment last night. 5. A. Theyll not buy a new house because they dont have enough money.B. Theyll not buy a new house because they cant find a big one.C. Theyll buy a new house because they have enough money.D. Theyll buy a new house after they return from their vacation. Section B 5 points Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are recorded questions. The conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 6. A. San Francisco B. New York C. Washington D. Chicago 7. A. Electric engineering B. Business management C. Computer programming D. Mechanical engineering 8. A. The man is afraid of not getting accustomed to the life there.B. The man is afraid of the weather there.C. The man read a lot about crimes there in the newspaper.D. The man is afraid of being lonely there. Conversation 2 9. A. 18, Jiefang Road, Lixia DistrictB. 80, Jiefang Road, Lixia DistrictC. 18, Wenhua Road, Shizhong DistrictD. 80, Wenhua Road, Shizhong District10. A. Wednesday, March 23rdB. Tuesday, March 22ndC. Monday, March 21stD. Thursday, March 23rd Section C 5points Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed on the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. The first reading is for you to get the general idea. During the second reading, you are required to choose the missing words or phrases according to what you hear in order of numbered blanks. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. The third reading is for you to check your answer. Now the passage will begin. There was once a man in South America who had a parrot, a pet bird that could imitate human speech. The parrot was 11. There were no other bird like him in the whole world. He could learn to say any word 12 one- he could not say the name of his native town, Katuno. The man did everything he could to teach the parrot to say Katuno, but he never 13. At first he was very gentle with the bird, but gradually he 14 his temper. “ You stupid bird! Why cant you learn to say that One Word? Say Katuno, 15 Ill kill you!” But the parrot would not say it. Many times the man screamed but failed at last. 11. A. special B. unique C. common D. united 12. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for 13. A. success B. successful C. successfully D. succeeded 14. A. controlled B. control C. lose D. lost 15. A. or B. and C. but D. or else Part II Vocabulary and Structure(20 points, one point for each) 16. Let me _ you before I can make you a suit. A. measure B. take C. see D. look 17. Through out his life, Tom _ an interest in encouraging art in the city of Jinan. A. retained B. detained C. insured D. maintained 18. The computer works very fast, _ data at the speed of light. A. having handled B. hands C. handling D. having been handled 19.Yesterday it was _ that everyone stayed in the dorm. A. so hot day B. such a hot day C. a so hot day D. such day 20. If you happen to _ my lost papers while you are looking for your book, please let me know at once by telephone. A. come up B. come out C. come to D. come across 21. His fluency in English gives him an advantage _ other boys for the job. A. than B. over C. with D. above 22. What he told us about the affair simply doesnt make any _. A. idea B. meaning C. sense D. importance 23. _ to recite the text again and again, the little boy was very
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