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1课时作业(二十六) 选修 6 Unit 1 Art.单项填空1(2012临沂市质量检测)Be quick,please.I have to be there by 900._,but Ill try my best.AThats all right BNo problemCI cant promise DIts impossible2How did you_the old valuable house?It used to be _my uncle.He left it to me in his will.Atake possession of;in possession ofBtake the possession of;in the possession ofCtake possession of;in the possession ofDtake the possession of;in possession of3The education program_combining brain work with manual labor is being widely spread throughout the country.Ato aim at Baims atChaving aimed at Daimed at4Are you fond of sports,Lily?Not really.Honestly speaking,music_me more than sports.Aappeals to Bresponds toCcontributes to Dattends to5_was evident that the policy was a failure;nothing has changed at all.AThis BItCSuch DThat6She kept telling her father to pay attention to his own health,_,in fact,didnt help at all.Awhich BheCit Dwhile7(2011湖北卷)An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons character;however,they are not always _.Apractical BavoidableCpermanent Dbeneficial8The English couple who havent a child of their own are planning to_a little girl from China.Aaccept BabandonCadapt Dadopt29Ann bought the picture in the belief_it was a real antique,not a fake.Awhich BthatCwhether Dthough10Whats the weather like in your city?It rains a lot in summer.I wish it_that often.Adidnt rain Bdoesnt rainCwont rain Disnt raining11By sending text messages or chatting online,weve been in touch for months,but Ive never met my new friend_.Aby accident Bon purposeCin the flesh Din her absence12I once_to read an English novel,but there were so many new words that I had to give up halfway.Aattempted BmanagedCoffered Dpretended13Id like to take a vacation this summer,but_I dont want to miss the conference in midJuly.Awhats more Bby the wayCon the other hand Das a matter of fact14Instead of lending a hand,Jim just stood by,laughing at us in trouble.Oh,its_of him to be so coldhearted.Aconventional BtypicalCridiculous Daggressive15If scientists had been able to predict it exactly,the Japan earthquake_such heavy losses in human lives.Awouldnt cause Bdidnt causeChadnt caused Dwouldnt have caused.阅读理解(2012福建质量检测)After years of trying to balance work with motherhood,Karl Smith left her corporate (公司的) job behind to start her own business.Its been over a decade since this mom entrepreneur (企业家) began making cakes out of her familys kitchen.During that time,she has managed to grow Magical Moments & Elite Party Rentals into a welldeveloped wedding planning and rental operation.Statistics show that these kinds of mommyowned businesses are on the rise.Many women say they cant find work that allows them to balance their responsibilities at home.3Indeed,according to a national study conducted by IpsosReid on behalf of Microsoft Canada,fiftyfour percent of female small business owners agree that being able to work at home to raise their family is a key reason to leave the corporate world behind.“Being a mom entrepreneur means trading a typical 9to5 work week for a more irregular routine, ” says Gemma Moore,a busy mother of two who owns and operates MG Moore Designs,a design company specializing in website,photography and print media.“Finding a business that you can build in the evenings will allow you to spend time with your children during the day and continue your business after they go to school.”Ninetytwo percent of female small business owners say that mobile equipment and computer software can help a mom entrepreneur make her own hours and work whenever she is most productive.In fact,ninetyfive percent agree that small business owners need to be_more_technologysavvy than ever before.The more technology they master,the more successfully they will run their businesses.“Balance is a key aspect for most entrepreneurs,but this is especially true for women, ” says Ruth Bastedo,President of Women Entrepreneurs of Canada (WEC) “Entrepreneurs recognize that todays technology can help them to find work/life balance while still providing them with the tools and materials they need to grow their businesses more effectively.”1Many female employees left their corporate jobs in order to_.Amaster more and more technologyBsupport their family in a better wayClook after their children more carefullyDcarry out their responsibilities as housewives2What can we know about Gemma Moore from the passage?AShe has two companies of her own.BShe was once doing trade business.CShe does not work in the daytime.DShe can arrange her time more properly.3The underlined part “be more technologysavvy” (in Paragraph 5) probab
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