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长喜英语大学四级考试模拟试题长喜英语大学四级考试模拟试题答案及录音文本答案及录音文本答案答案Part I Writing范文略Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1 C) 2 D) 3 C) 4 B) 5 B) 6 B) 7 A) 8. only twice a day 9. the more thats expected of you 10. booksPart IIIListening ComprehensionSection A11 B) 12 D) 13 C) 14 A) 15 B) 16 A) 17 B) 18 B) 19 D) 20 C) 21 B) 22 C) 23 B) 24 C) 25 C) Section B 26 B) 27 A) 28 D) 29 C) 30 C) 31 B) 32 A) 33 D) 34 C) 35 A)Section C36. amazing 37. keep 38. wonder 39. traveled 40. experiences 41. fortunately 42. routes 43. different 44. they could eat some of the local food and maybe see some of the local sights 45. But it seems to me that the more tourists can mix with local people, the better off everyone is 46. Of course the tour company leaves it pretty much up to the people to do whatever they want Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section A47 I) 48 B) 49 G) 50 C) 51 K) 52 L) 53 E) 54 F) 55 H) 56 O)Section B57 D) 58 B) 59 B) 60 A) 61 B) 62 C) 63 B) 64 A) 65 D) 66 A)Part V Cloze67. D) 68. A) 69. C) 70. B) 71. D) 72 B) 73. C) 74. B) 75. A) 76. C) 77. D) 78. B) 79. A) 80. D) 81. B) 82 A) 83. C) 84 A) 85 D) 86. C)Part VI Translation 87. To ensure (that) your customers contact you in time 88. is said to have been translated into twenty languages 89. the control of television by mass advertising 90. in case of power failure 91. had followed my instructions录音文本录音文本Section A 11. M: You just have to catch that movie about Internet hackers the day after tomorrow. How about it? W: Oh, Im afraid Im not the one to ask. Maybe someone else. Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?12. W: Eric said that Tokyo is a great place for holding academic conferences. M: Hes certainly in a position to say that. After all, hes been there quite often. Q: What does the man mean?13. W: So much pressure for me this week a research report to finish, a six-page translation to hand in and two house guests arriving tomorrow. M: Come on. At least you dont have the naughty twins with you all day long. Q: What does the woman complain about?14. M: The photo definitely highlights Bobs hair color. How do you consider that? W: As a matter of fact, I think it makes his hair look messier than it really is. But, thats what I really think about the picture. Q: What does the woman think of the photo?15. W: Sorry to bother you, but Im just a little lost here. You wouldnt happen to know where the lecture room is, would you?M: Maybe you can find the answer at the information center. Im in the same boat. Q: What does the man mean?16. W: I received your rsum last week and was very impressed. May l ask why youre interested in working for us? M: Your company has a good reputation and Ive always wanted to work for a smaller company. Q: What can you infer from the conversation?17. W: Excuse me, sir, could I see you sometime today? I missed part of your explanation on this weeks lab work.M: Sure, you can come to my office around five this afternoon.Q: Who is the woman talking to?18. M: Im looking for the best quality paper to have my graduation paper printed on. I cant find it on these shelves. W: I think I saw some in the stock room yesterday. Ill check. Q: What does the woman mean? Now you will hear the two long conversations.Conversation OneM: Whats wrong, Cindy? You look very sad. W: Thanks for asking, Jim. I am worried about my high school chemistry teacher. My mom told me that he is in hospital, very sick! M: I am sorry to hear that. Buthow old is he? W: Oh, I dont exactly know Mr. Amalds age. I dont think he is very old. He retired two years ago. Every summer I went to see him. He seemed to be enjoying a great time when I saw him last month. M: Its kind of unusual for a chemistry teacher to be his or her students favorite. W: No, not with him. He was everybodys favorite teacher. He could not only make things clear but also was always patient with his students, more patient with slow learners. M: He reminds me of Miss Stiff. W: Whos that? One of your teachers? M: Yes, my math teacher. I hated mathematics until I got to be in her class. W: Did she joke like Mr. Cobette? M: No, she didnt. As a matter of fact, I dont remember her smiling. She looked very serious. But somehow, she let us know that she thought we could all do excellent work and she always had a high expectation of us. W: We are lucky to have such good teachers. M: I couldnt agree more. Good teachers make a difference in our life. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. Why is the woman sad? 20. How does the woman describe her high school teacher? 21. Who was the mans favorite high school teacher?22. How do the man and woman feel about their teachers?Conversation TwoM: Well, Claudia, how is your first day on campus working out?W: Actually Im overwhelmed. This campus is too large. I am not really sure how to g
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