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Book 1 Module 1 1 be similar to 2 sbs attitude to/towards 3 far from 4 a computer with a special screen 5 a enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen 6 sbs method of teaching=sbs teaching method 7 nothing like 8 reading comprehension 9 have fun 10 feel bored=be bored 11 introduceto 12 in groups 13 giveinstructions on 14 by oneself=on ones own 15 improve sbs spelling and handwriting 16 in a fun way 17 in other words 18 write a description of=describe 19 look forward to doing 20 be impressed with 21 make (much) progress 22 Would you mind doing? 23 at the start/beginning of 24 at the end of 25 receive the high school diploma 26 go to college 27 divide into 28 be divided into 29 take part in all kinds of activities 30 summer vacation 31 I live in Shijazhuang, a city not far from Bejing。 32 Every has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. 33 Ms Shen teaching method is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. 34 I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class. 1 和相似 2 对于的态度 3 远离;远不是远非 4 一个带有特殊屏幕的电脑 5 一个被叫做沈女士的热心肠的妇女 6 sb 的教学方法7 一点也不像 8 阅读理解 9 玩地快乐 10 感到厌倦 11 把介绍给 12 成组地,按组的 13 给关于的指示 14 通过自己 15 改善的拼写和书法 16 通过一种有趣的方式 17 换句话说 18 描述 19 盼望做 20 对印象深刻 21 取得(许多)进步 22 你介意做? 23 在开始 24 在末尾 25 得到高中文凭 26 去上大学 27 把 分成(整体分成部分) 28 被分成 29 参加多种多样的活动 30 暑假 31 我住在石家庄,一个离北京不远的城市32 每个教室都有一台电脑,带有几乎像电 影屏幕一样大的特殊屏幕 33 沈女士的教学方法一点也不像一点也不像我初中教 师的教学方法。34 我认为我在沈女士的课上是不会厌倦的35 In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. 36 For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. 37 Some students were embarrassed at first, but everyone was friendly and it was really very nice. 38 Ms shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves. 39 How are you doing? 40 How is it going? 41 Secondary school in the Us usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve. 42 The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second January through May. 43 The amazing news amazed us. 44 The disappointing news made us disappointed. 45 His disappointed expression suggested(that) he was disappointed. 46 join (us) in the game 47 join an organization 加入一个组织 48 join the party 49 attend the wedding 参加婚礼 50 attend the opening ceremony参加开幕式 51 This bridge is three times as long as that one. 52 This bridge is twice longer than that one. 53 This bridge is three time the length of that one. 54 There is three times as much money in my pocket as in yours. 55 The climate of Bejing is quite different from that of Qingdao. 56 There is nothing like a holiday to make one happy.35 换句话说,女生的数量是男生的三倍 36 对于我们今天晚上的作业,我们需要描 述一下我们居住的街道37 一些学生开始时是尴尬的,但是每个人 是友好的,这确实是是不错的38 沈女士给了我们一些指示,接着我们自 己工作。 39 你最近情况怎样? 40 进来怎样? 41 美国的中学通常包括七年,从 6 年级到 12 年级。 42 一个学年通常被分成两个学期,第一个 学期是从 9 月到 12 月,第二个是从一 月到 5 月。 . 43 这令人吃惊的消息使我吃惊。 44 令人失望的消息使我失望。45 他失望的的表情暗示他很失望46 加入(我们的)活动 47 加入一个组织 48 入党 49 参加婚礼 50 参加开幕式 51 这座桥是那座桥的 3 倍长。52 这座桥是那座桥的 3 倍长。 53 这座桥是那座桥的 3 倍长。54 我口袋的钱是你口袋钱的三倍。55 北京的气候和青岛的气候是不一样的。56 什么也不如假期能使人快乐。Book 1 Module 2 1 be partient with sb 2 be patient of 3 be strict with sb, be strict in 4 avoid doing 5 admit doing admit admitted admitted 6 hate doing 7 appreciate doing 8 feel relaxed 9 make sure 10 so that 11 make(rapid)progress 12 as a result 13 as a result of 14 fall asleep fall fell fallen 15 tell jokes=tell a joke 16 in fact 17 It doesnt matter if/whether 18 What is your impression of 19 dont dare to do=dare not do 20 get bored 21 get excited 22 prefer to do A rather than do B 23 prefer doing A to doing B 24 would rather do A than do B 25 would do A rather than do B 26 Have you got that?27 take/have a look at 28 thats settled 29 It is up to you 30 a couple of 31 the relationship between A and B 32 be true of 33 be considered(to be)important 34 have problems with 35 state schools 36 private schools 37 pay for 38 Good teachers make sure that everyone understands. 39 I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with students. 40 My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy. 41 The class really like working with her. 42 She explains grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! She avoids making you feel stupid. 43 Mrs Li just smiles, so that you dont feel completely stupid. 44 We dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to. 45 There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but they are always on time for Mrs Chens class. 46 During scientific experiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving. 47 I will do well with Mrs Chen teaching me. 48 Mr Wu has only been teaching us for two weeks and hes already very popular. 49 Hes got so much energy, this is one class you do not fall asleep in. 50 With prices going up, Im having a hard life. 51 He left with the door closed. 52 He left with the door open.53 With many problems to settle, the preside
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