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LONDON, July 28 (Xinhua) - Following is the speech given by International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge at the opening ceremony of the London Olympics:伦敦 7 月 28 日电(新华社报告) - 是由国际奥林匹克委员会主席雅克罗格在伦敦奥运 会的开幕式上的讲话: 翻译 哈尔滨市第七十三中学 刘先茂 QQ865411690 Your Majesty, Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 陛下,国王和王后陛下,殿下,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们, In just a few moments, the Olympic Games will officially return to London for the third time, setting an unmatched record for hosting the Games that spans more than a century. Thank you, London, for welcoming the world to this diverse, vibrant, cosmopolitan city yet again.再过在短短的几分钟,奥运会将第三次正式重新在伦敦举行,这将创造一个多世纪内一个无 与伦比的举办奥运会记录。谢谢你,伦敦,又一次迎接世界这种多样性的,充满活力的、国际 化的城市。It has taken a lot of hard work by many people to get us to this point. I want to thank the entire team at the London Organizing Committee - superbly led by Lord Coe - for their excellent and hard work. I also want to thank all the public authorities who have helped ensure that these Games will leave a lasting positive legacy long after the closing ceremony.为了让我们领略这次盛会,许多人投入了艰苦的劳动。我要为科勋爵的杰出领导下的伦 敦组委会整个团队其卓越和努力工作深表谢忱。我还想感谢所有的公共机构能够帮助确保 这些奥运会闭幕后留下持久的积极的遗产。 And, of course, we are all grateful to the thousands of dedicated volunteers who are being so generous with their time, their energy and their welcoming smiles.当然,我们都感谢成千上万的专用的慷慨的志愿者们,因为他们付出许多的宝贵的时间,精力 和热情迎宾的笑容。For the first time in Olympic history all the participating teams will have female athletes. This is a major boost for gender equality. 在奥运会历史上第一次,所有参赛队将有女运动员。这是对于实现性别男女平等是一个重要 的推动力。In a sense, the Olympic Games are coming home tonight. This great, sports-loving country is widely recognized as the birthplace of modern sport. It was here that the concepts of sportsmanship and fair play were first codified into clear rules and regulations. It was here that sport was included as an educational tool in the school curriculum. 在某种意义上,奥运会是今晚回家了。人们广泛认为这个伟大的、热爱运动的国家是现代体 育的诞生地。正是在这里,体育精神和公平竞赛的概念第一次转变为有清晰的规则和条例。 正是在这里,运动是作为一个教育工具写入在学校的课程中。 The British approach to sport had a profound influence on Pierre de Coubertin, our founder, as he developed the framework for the modern Olympic Movement at the close of the 19th century. The values that inspired Pierre de Coubertin will come to life over the next 17 days as the worlds best athletes compete in a spirit of friendship, respect and fair play.英国的运动举措对皮埃尔德顾拜旦,我们的创始人有着深远的影响,他为现代奥林匹克运 动在 19 世纪末一个构筑了框架。皮埃尔德顾拜旦激发的价值观将在接下来的十七天内。 在此期间,世界上最好的运动员们将本着友谊、尊重和公平的精神进行竞赛。 I congratulate all of the athletes who have earned a place at these Games. And to the athletes, I offer this thought: Your talent, your dedication and commitment brought you here. Now you have a chance to become true Olympians. That honor is determined not by whether you win, but by how you compete. Character counts far more than medals.我向参加本届奥运会上的所有的运动员表示祝贺。对运动员,我提供表达这样理念:你的才 能,你的奉献和承诺把你们带到了来这里。现在你有机会成为真正的运动员。荣誉,不是取决 于你是输赢,而是你的竞争方式。品质的价值远远超过奖牌。Reject doping. Respect you opponents. Remember that you are all role models. If you do that, you will inspire a generation. 拒绝兴奋剂。尊重你的对手。记住,你是所有所有运动项目选手的楷模。如果你这样做这一 点,你就会激发了下一代运动健儿向你们学习。 These Games bring many hopes. Hope for harmony and peace between the 204 National Olympic Committees. Hope to see the young generations inspired by the values of sport. Hope that these Games continue to promote sustainble development. Dear Athletes, make us dream. I now have the honor to ask Her Majesty the Queen to open the Games of the XXX Olympiad.奥运会带来使许多希望。希望和谐与和平在 204 个国家奥委会之间永驻。希望看到年轻的 一代人得到运动价值观的感召。希望奥运会能够促进可持续发展。 亲爱的运动员们,实现我们的梦想。 现在,我荣幸地宣布邀请英国女王宣布第 30 届奥林匹克运动开幕。
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