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分类号分类号分类号分类号 密级密级密级密级 UDC 毕毕毕毕 业业业业 论论论论 文文文文 The Comparison of Differences in Wedding Culture Between China and Western Countries 中西国家婚礼文化差异的比较 学生姓名学生姓名学生姓名学生姓名 学号学号学号学号 指导教师指导教师指导教师指导教师 系系系系(部部部部) 外语系外语系外语系外语系 专业年级专业年级专业年级专业年级 2006 级英语级英语级英语级英语 论文答辩日期论文答辩日期论文答辩日期论文答辩日期 年年年年 月月月月 日日日日 中中中中 国国国国 大大大大 学学学学 The Comparison of Differences in Wedding Culture between China and Western Countries 中西国家婚礼文化差异的比较 完成日期: 指导教师签字: 答辩小组成员签字: Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me during the writing of this thesis. First, my deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Miss Yang, my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this paper. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this paper could not have reached its present form. Second, I feel grateful to all the teachers in the University of China Qingdao College who once offered me valuable courses and advice during my study. My sincere thanks are also given to my instructor Han, who helped me come over many difficulties. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the paper. I 摘摘摘摘 要要要要 本文着重探讨中国和西方国家婚礼的文化差异。基于对两种不同文明之间存在着不同文化的比较,找出产生这种差异的原因和历史背景,诸如价值取向、宗教观点、行为规范等等。由于全球融合趋势的影响,许多分歧阻碍了人们的交流与融合。 因此我们必须首先了解不同的文化,然后我们才能找到解答,并且婚姻是社会生活的重要组成部分,因此我们可以以婚礼文化为突破口,来分析各种阻碍全球化的因素和原因,从而我们可以采取措施减少这种趋势给我们带来的负面影响,如改进教学方法、重点发展学生的非语言交流能力、加大中国和西方文化融合等等。而减少这种差距,对中西方来说都有重大意义。 在第一章中,首先对中西方关于婚礼文化的研究做了总体的介绍和相关的讨论,并且阐述了中西方婚礼文化产生的原因和形成条件的研究以及相关理论。加 在第二章中,分别论述了中国婚礼文化和西方婚礼文化。在这一章中,以奥地利、西欧、北美等为例,简述了西方国家婚礼文化的特色和详细论述了中西方婚礼文化中的基本习俗,指出两种文化有很大的不同,为下文的论述做了铺垫。 在第三章中,继续针对中西方婚礼文化的差异,讨论存在差异的原因。主要有价值取向、宗教观点、行为规范等等,从而引出应该针对这种差异,在教育和体制多方面加以调节。 在在第四章中,提出减少这种差异的措施,如改进教学方法、重点发展学生的非语言交流能力、加大中国和西方文化融合等等。 最后第五章对全文进行了概括总结。 关键词关键词关键词关键词:婚礼文化; 中西文化差异;原因; 采取措施II The Comparison of Differences in Wedding Culture between China and Western Countries Abstract This paper is to explore the differences in wedding culture between China and western countries. Based on the comparison of the different cultures existing between them, I will find out the interior factors and the reasons that produce such historical background. There are many aspects such as value orientation, religious views and behavior standards. Because there are many differences, and we all know that the trend of globalization becomes shaper today, and the globalization is important to our countrys economy, development and peoples life level. But these differences prevent the globalization and peoples communication and mixture. So we must understand the different cultures first, then we can find the solutions. As marriage is an important part of social life, so we can consider the wedding culture as a breakthrough point, and then analyze the different factors and reasons that prevent globalization. We can adopt many measures to reduce the disparity, such as improving teaching methods, emphasizing on students non-verbal communication ability, changing teachers way of thinking, blending of Chinese and Western Culture and so on. The above all may bring great significant values to both the West and the East countries. In chapter one, a general introduction of the Chinese and western wedding cultures research is offered, and then the reasons that cause the difference of wedding ceremony culture is discussed, and the researches of forming the condition as well as the correlation theories are offered. In chapter two, the Chinese wedding ceremony culture and the Western wedding ceremony culture are separately offered. In this chapter, take Australia, Western Europe, and North America as the example to summarize the characteristic of the Western country wedding ceremony culture and elaborate the Western wedding ceremony culture in detail, and point out that two cultures have great difference, which has made the upholstery for as follows elaboration. In chapter three, as the point of the West wedding ceremony culture difference, the existence difference reasons are discussed, thus draws out the conclusion that one should aim at this kind of III differences to adjust the educating and the system. In chapter four, the measures tha
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